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Published: 22 May 2007

Employment grew and unemployment fell in April 2007

According to the Labour Force Survey of Statistics Finland, the number of employed persons in April was 2,456,000, i.e. 72,000 higher than one year previously. The employment rate stood at 69.2 per cent, while it was 67.5 per cent in April 2006.

There were 191,000 unemployed in April, i.e. 34,000 less than in the previous year. The rate of unemployment was 7.2 per cent, while it was 8.6 per cent one year before.

Changes in the labour force 4/2006 - 4/2007, thousand persons

  April2007 April2006 Change, %4/2006 – 4/20071)
Employed total 2 456 2 384 3,0
Employment rate, % 69,2 67,5 1,73)
Unemployed2) 191 225 -14,9
Unemployment rate, % 7,2 8,6 -1,43)
Labour force, total 2 647 2 609 1,5
Labour force participation rate, % 66,6 65,9 0,73)
Economically inactive, total 1 330 1 351 -1,5

1) Unrounded figures are used in the Change column

2) Based on the recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)

3) percentage points

Links: Press release connected to this statistical release

Source: Labour force survey 2007, April. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Juha Martikainen (09) 1734 3225, Veli Rajaniemi (09) 1734 3434, Kalle Sinivuori (09) 1734 3524,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 22.5.2007

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. April 2007. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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