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6.1 Seasonally adjusted trends 2009/05

Year/Month Employed Unemployed Unemployed
job seekers
(Ministry of Employment
and the Economy)
Unemployment rate,
aged 15–74
Unemployment rate,
aged 15–24
2007/05 2 491 176 220 6,7 15,5
2007/06 2 494 180 218 6,8 15,5
2007/07 2 498 183 216 6,9 15,7
2007/08 2 500 184 214 6,9 15,8
2007/09 2 503 184 212 6,9 16,1
2007/10 2 506 183 210 6,9 16,4
2007/11 2 511 181 208 6,8 16,4
2007/12 2 516 179 205 6,6 16,3
2008/01 2 522 176 203 6,5 15,9
2008/02 2 526 170 200 6,3 15,2
2008/03 2 530 166 199 6,2 14,7
2008/04 2 533 165 199 6,2 14,7
2008/05 2 535 168 200 6,2 15,4
2008/06 2 534 170 201 6,3 16,0
2008/07 2 532 170 202 6,4 16,4
2008/08 2 531 172 204 6,4 16,6
2008/09 2 531 175 207 6,5 16,7
2008/10 2 530 178 211 6,5 16,8
2008/11 2 526 181 216 6,6 16,7
2008/12 2 520 185 222 6,8 16,7
2009/01 2 511 191 229 7,0 17,0
2009/02 2 501 200 236 7,4 17,8
2009/03 2 492 211 244 7,8 18,9
2009/04 2 483 220 251 8,2 20,0
2009/05 2 475 227 258 8,6 20,9

Source: Labour force survey 2009, May. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Juha Martikainen (09) 1734 3225, Kalle Sinivuori (09) 1734 3524, Veli Rajaniemi (09) 1734 3434,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 23.06.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. May 2009, 6.1 Seasonally adjusted trends 2009/05 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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