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Appendix table 21. Average regular weekly working hours in main job of full-time employees aged 15-74 by occupation (Occupational Classification 2001) and sex in 2009

  Regular weekly working hours, hours/week
Both sexes Males Females
Classification of Occupations 2001      
Occupations total 39,0 39,9 38,1
1 Legislators, senior officials and managers 41,5 42,2 40,2
2 Professionals 38,4 38,8 37,9
3 Technicians and associate professionals 38,7 39,7 38,1
4 Clerks 37,8 38,6 37,6
5 Service and care workers, and shop and market sales workers 38,0 38,9 37,8
6 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 39,1 40,0 38,2
7 Craft and related trades workers 39,9 39,9 39,1
8 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 40,7 40,9 39,6
9 Elementary occupations 38,2 38,9 37,6
0 Armed forces 39,4 39,5 .

Source: Labour force survey 2009. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Anna Pärnänen (09) 1734 2607, Päivi Keinänen (09) 1734 3416,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 1.6.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. 15 2009, Appendix table 21. Average regular weekly working hours in main job of full-time employees aged 15-74 by occupation (Occupational Classification 2001) and sex in 2009 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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