7. Classifications
7.1 Socio-economic Groups
Classification of Socio-economic Groups 1989
Code | Heading |
3 | Upper-level employees with administrative, managerial, professional and related occupations |
31 | Senior officials and upper management |
32 | Senior officials and employees in research and planning |
33 | Senior officials and employees in education and training |
34 | Other senior officials and employees |
4 | Lower-level employees with administrative and clerical occupations |
41 | Supervisors |
42 | Clerical and sales workers, independent work |
43 | Clerical and sales workers, routine work |
44 | Other lower-level employees with administrative and clerical occupations |
5 | Manual workers |
51 | Workers in agriculture, forestry and commercial fishing |
52 | Manufacturing workers |
53 | Other production workers |
54 | Distribution and service workers |
7.2 Standard Industrial Classification
Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2008
Code | Heading |
Industries total | |
A | Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
01 | Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities |
02 | Forestry and logging |
03 | Fishing and aquaculture |
B | Mining and quarrying |
05 | Mining of coal and lignite |
06 | Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas |
07 | Mining of metal ores |
08 | Other mining and quarrying |
09 | Mining support service activities |
C | Manufacturing |
10 | Manufacture of food products |
11 | Manufacture of beverages |
12 | Manufacture of tobacco products |
13 | Manufacture of textiles |
14 | Manufacture of wearing apparel |
15 | Manufacture of leather and related products |
16 | Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials |
17 | Manufacture of paper and paper products |
18 | Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
19 | Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
20 | Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
21 | Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations |
22 | Manufacture of rubber and plastic products |
23 | Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
24 | Manufacture of basic metals |
25 | Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
26 | Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
27 | Manufacture of electrical equipment |
28 | Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. |
29 | Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
30 | Manufacture of other transport equipment |
31 | Manufacture of furniture |
32 | Other manufacturing |
33 | Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
D | Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
35 | Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
E | Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
36 | Water collection, treatment and supply |
37 | Sewerage |
38 | Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery |
39 | Remediation activities and other waste management services |
F | Construction |
41 | Construction of buildings |
42 | Civil engineering |
43 | Specialised construction activities |
G | Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
45 | Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
46 | Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
47 | Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
H | Transportation and storage |
49 | Land transport and transport via pipelines |
50 | Water transport |
51 | Air transport |
52 | Warehousing and support activities for transportation |
53 | Postal and courier activities |
I | Accommodation and food service activities |
55 | Accommodation |
56 | Food and beverage service activities |
J | Information and communication |
58 | Publishing activities |
59 | Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities |
60 | Programming and broadcasting activities |
61 | Telecommunications |
62 | Computer programming, consultancy and related activities |
63 | Information service activities |
K | Financial and insurance activities |
64 | Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding |
65 | Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security |
66 | Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities |
L | Real estate activities |
68 | Real estate activities |
M | Professional, scientific and technical activities |
69 | Legal and accounting activities |
70 | Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities |
71 | Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis |
72 | Scientific research and development |
73 | Advertising and market research |
74 | Other professional, scientific and technical activities |
75 | Veterinary activities |
N | Administrative and support service activities |
77 | Rental and leasing activities |
78 | Employment activities |
79 | Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities |
80 | Security and investigation activities |
81 | Services to buildings and landscape activities |
82 | Office administrative, office support and other business support activities |
O | Public administration and defence; compulsory social security |
84 | Public administration and defence; compulsory social security |
P | Education |
85 | Education |
Q | Human health and social work activities |
86 | Human health activities |
87 | Residential care activities |
88 | Social work activities without accommodation |
R | Arts, entertainment and recreation |
90 | Creative, arts and entertainment activities |
91 | Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities |
92 | Gambling and betting activities |
93 | Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities |
S | Other service activities |
94 | Activities of membership organisations |
95 | Repair of computers and personal and household goods |
96 | Other personal service activities |
T | Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use |
97 | Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel |
98 | Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use |
U | Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies |
99 | Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies |
X | Industry unknown |
00 | Industry unknown |
7.3 Classification of Occupations
Classification of Occupations 2001
Code | Heading |
Occupations total | |
1 | Legislators, senior officials and managers |
11 | Legislators and senior officials |
12 | Corporate managers |
13 | Managers of small enterprises |
2 | Professionals |
21 | Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals |
22 | Life science and health professionals |
23 | Teaching professionals |
24 | Other professionals |
3 | Technicians and associate professionals |
31 | Physical and engineering science associate professionals |
32 | Life science and health associate professionals |
33 | Traffic instructors and other teaching associate professionals |
34 | Other associate professionals |
4 | Clerks |
41 | Office clerks |
42 | Customer services clerks |
5 | Service and care workers, and shop and market sales workers |
51 | Personal and protective services workers |
52 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators |
6 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers |
61 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers |
7 | Craft and related trades workers |
71 | Extraction and building trades workers |
72 | Metal, machinery and related trades workers |
73 | Precision, handicraft, craft printing and related trades workers |
74 | Other craft and related trades workers |
8 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers |
81 | Stationary plant and related operators |
82 | Machine operators and assemblers |
83 | Drivers and related water traffic operators |
9 | Elementary occupations |
91 | Sales and services elementary occupations |
92 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers |
93 | Labourers in manufacturing and construction |
0 | Armed forces |
01 | Armed forces |
7.4 Levels of education
Classification of Education 2008, levels of education
Code | Heading |
0 | Pre-primary education Usually provided by children's day care centres or comprehensive schools to children aged between 3 and 6. At least one member of day care centre staff per group must have a teacher's qualification. |
1 | Primary educatio n Completion of the primary school ( kansakoulu). Grades 1 to 6 of the com-prehensive school. |
2 | Lower secondary
education Completion of the middle school (keskikoulu). Grades 7 to 9 and the volun-tary 10th grade of the comprehensive school (peruskoulu). |
3 | Upper secondary level
education Upper secondary level education comprises matriculation examination, vo-cational qualifications attained in 2 to 3 years, further vocational qualifica-tions and specialist vocational qualifications. Matriculation examination gives general eligibility for tertiary education. Upper secondary vocational education gives a vocational competence and the opportunity to pursue further studies in polytechnics and, subject to cer-tain conditions, in universities. |
5 | Lowest level tertiary
education Lowest level tertiary education comprises vocational college education with a duration of 2 to 3 years after upper secondary education. Examples of vocational college qualifications include Technician Engineer (teknikko), Diploma in Business and Administration (merkonomi) and Di-ploma in Nursing (sairaanhoitaja). |
6 | Lower-degree level tertiary
education Lower-degree level tertiary education comprises, among others, polytechnic degrees and lower university degrees, as well as engineering and sea cap-tain's qualifications, for example. The duration of polytechnic education is 3.5 to 4.5 years. The duration for the attainment of a lower university degree (bachelor level) is 3 to 4 years. |
7 | Higher-degree level tertiary
education Higher-degree level tertiary education comprises higher university degrees (Master level), specialist's degrees in medicine and polytechnic Master’s de-grees. The duration for the attainment of a higher university degree (Master level) is 5 to 6 years and for polytechnic Master’s degree requiring additional work experience 1 to 1.5 years. |
8 | Doctorate or equivalent level
tertiary education Comprises post higher-degree level academic degrees of licentiate and doc-torate (scientific post-graduate degrees). |
9 | Level of education unknown |
Source: Labour force survey 2009. Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Heidi Melasniemi-Uutela (09) 1734 2523, Olga Kambur (09) 1734 3565, tyovoimatutkimus@stat.fi
Director in charge: Riitta Harala
Updated 3.12.2010
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. 17 2009,
7. Classifications
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 14.3.2025].
Access method: http://stat.fi/til/tyti/2009/17/tyti_2009_17_2010-12-03_kat_007_en.html