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Appendix table 19. Hours actually worked, including hours worked at secondary jobs, of employees aged 15-74 by industry (TOL 2008) in 2005 - 2009

  Hours actually worked, 1000 hours
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Industry TOL 2008          
Industries total 00-99 3 367 028 3 407 872 3 471 217 3 553 580 3 301 965
A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying 01-09 78 243 72 102 69 757 75 595 73 390
C Manufacturing 10-33 661 758 671 254 678 340 671 410 562 963
D-E Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management 35-39 41 159 41 341 38 446 43 056 43 174
F Construction 41-43 218 340 218 734 240 399 255 355 225 830
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 45-47 399 862 401 078 414 880 435 057 399 392
H Transportation and storage 49-53 208 028 224 260 220 651 220 396 208 586
I Accommodation and food service activities 55-56 96 874 98 818 104 916 116 231 104 149
J Information and communication 58-63 140 860 146 773 144 638 143 676 138 945
K-L Financial, insurance and real estate activities 64-68 104 798 101 140 103 663 110 004 104 492
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 69-75 167 972 172 506 181 472 202 125 184 888
N Administrative and support service activities 77-82 136 169 142 517 152 612 141 162 128 154
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 84 196 872 194 406 190 259 188 126 185 691
P Education 85 227 979 232 595 226 838 225 294 219 727
Q Human health and social work activities 86-88 529 768 537 862 545 376 551 975 554 870
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 90-93 57 297 58 122 59 648 57 859 59 202
S-U Other service activities 94-99 93 017 89 446 90 900 99 770 94 869

Source: Labour force survey 2009. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Heidi Melasniemi-Uutela (09) 1734 2523, Olga Kambur (09) 1734 3565,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 3.12.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. 17 2009, Appendix table 19. Hours actually worked, including hours worked at secondary jobs, of employees aged 15-74 by industry (TOL 2008) in 2005 - 2009 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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