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Appendix table 18. Seasonally adjusted trends 2011/10

  Employed Unemployed Unemployed job seekers (MEE) Unemployment rate, persons aged 15–74 Unemployment rate, persons aged 15–24
1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons Per cent, % Per cent, %
2009/10 2 435 233 282 8,7 22,3
2009/11 2 435 237 284 8,8 22,9
2009/12 2 435 237 283 8,9 23,2
2010/01 2 438 237 280 8,9 23,2
2010/02 2 441 235 276 8,8 22,9
2010/03 2 444 230 273 8,6 22,4
2010/04 2 446 228 271 8,5 21,8
2010/05 2 448 226 269 8,4 21,2
2010/06 2 449 224 267 8,4 20,7
2010/07 2 450 223 265 8,3 20,3
2010/08 2 452 221 262 8,2 20,2
2010/09 2 454 217 258 8,1 20,3
2010/10 2 455 214 255 8,0 20,3
2010/11 2 455 214 253 8,0 20,3
2010/12 2 455 216 251 8,1 20,4
2011/01 2 458 215 250 8,1 20,4
2011/02 2 461 216 249 8,1 20,6
2011/03 2 465 216 248 8,0 20,6
2011/04 2 469 212 246 7,9 20,3
2011/05 2 473 209 245 7,8 19,9
2011/06 2 475 209 244 7,8 19,8
2011/07 2 475 209 243 7,8 19,9
2011/08 2 475 208 242 7,7 19,9
2011/09 2 474 208 242 7,7 19,9
2011/10 2 475 208 241 7,7 19,9

Source: Labour force survey 2011, October. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Veli Rajaniemi (09) 1734 3434, Ari Väisänen (09) 1734 2290, Kalle Sinivuori (09) 1734 3524,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 22.11.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. October 2011, Appendix table 18. Seasonally adjusted trends 2011/10 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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