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Published: 11 September 2012

Mothers' use of family leaves has become slightly more general

According to the Labour Force Survey of Statistics Finland, the economic downturn that started at the end of 2008 was reflected in the employment of mothers of small children. The share of mothers on family leaves grew slightly and correspondingly, that of working mothers diminished somewhat between 2008 and 2010. The situation in 2011 has remained more or less the same as in 2010. These data derive from the annual Labour Force Survey review Families and work in 2011.

Working and family leaves of 20 to 59-year-old mothers with children aged under three in 2008-2011

Working and family leaves of 20 to 59-year-old mothers with children aged under three in 2008-2011

In 2011, over one-third of mothers of children aged under three were working and nearly one-third were on family leaves from work. Good one-quarter were taking care of their children at home without an employment contract.

However, mothers do not stay long at home to look after their children. Ninety per cent of the mothers of school-age children were working, which is almost the same as for fathers. When the youngest child is one to two years old, more than one half of the mothers are working. In fact, just eight per cent of the mothers whose youngest child was aged under one were working.

Working and family leaves among 20 to 59-year-old mothers by age of their youngest child in 2011-2009

Working and family leaves among 20 to 59-year-old mothers by age of their youngest child in 2011-2009

The concept 'working' used in this release differs from the concept of employed used in the Labour Force Survey. In the Labour Force Survey, persons on maternity or paternity leave from work as well as persons on other family leaves whose absence from work has lasted under three months are also classified as employed. Therefore, especially in the case of mothers of very small children the employed contain plenty of mothers who are actually at home looking after a child. The annual publication Families and work in 2011 is based on the household section of the Labour Force Survey.


Updated tables of the Labour Force Survey: .

Changes in employment and employment relationships in 2011 are described in an earlier Labour Force Survey annual review Employment and unemployment in 2011

Source: Labour Force Survey 2011. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Heidi Melasniemi-Uutela 09 1734 2523, Tarja Nieminen 09 1734 3561,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 11.9.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. Families and work in 2011 2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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