6 Labour Force Survey data content from January 2008 onwards
1. Labour force status and other activity
Active population
Employed and employment rate
Unemployed and unemployment rate
Activity of persons not in labour force
Main activity (own view)
2. Data on workplace and occupation in both main and secondary job
Number of jobs
Size of workplace
Employer sector (private, local government, central government)
Location and country of workplace
Status in employment (employee, self-employed, unpaid family worker)
Socio-economic group (manual worker, upper-level and lower-level employees)
Paid labour force of the self-employed
Employees in supervisory functions
Employees' monthly salary
3. Data on employment relationship
Permanent / temporary employment relationship and reason for temporary employment relationship
Duration of employment relationship
Part-time / full-time work and reason for part-time work
Temporary employment agency work
4. Data on working hours and arrangements related to them
Shift work
Period-based work
Usual weekly working hours
Hours worked (work input) in main and secondary job
Days worked
Overtime (paid / unpaid)
On-call hours at the place of work
Evening, night and weekend work
Working at home
Absence during the Survey week: main reason and duration of absence
Absence due to sickness and family leaves
5. Unemployment, underemployment, job seeking
Lay-off for a fixed period of time or until further notice
Duration of unemployment
Methods of job seeking
Obstacles to job seeking
Type of job sought (full-time or part-time job, as an employee or a self-employed person)
Valid registration with the employment and economic development office, and unemployment benefit
Underemployment: whether an employed person would like to increase his/her present working hours
Number of weekly working hours desired by the employed
Disguised unemployment
6. Education completed and studies in the past four weeks
General basic education
Qualification or degree attained (Register of Completed Education and Degrees)
Level and field of qualification or degree
Participation in education leading to a qualification or degree
Participation in course training
Participation in course training related to work or occupation
Participation in course training during paid working hours
Total number of lessons in four weeks
7. Previous activity
Activity one year ago and data on job held one year ago
Previous paid employment of persons currently unemployed during the past eight years and data on previous workplace
8. Data on the household
Size of household
Type of household
Activity of household members aged 15 to 74
Employment relationships and working hours of employed household members aged 15 to 74
The most important background variables for key employment and unemployment indicators
Employer sector (private, local government, central government)
Status in employment
Socio-economic group
Source: Labour Force Survey 2014. Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Hanna Sutela 029 551 2907, Pertti Taskinen 029 551 2690, tyovoimatutkimus@stat.fi
Director in charge: Riitta Harala
Updated 28.4.2015
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. Employment and unemployment 2014,
6 Labour Force Survey data content from January 2008 onwards
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
Access method: http://stat.fi/til/tyti/2014/13/tyti_2014_13_2015-04-28_kat_006_en.html