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Appendix table 4. Inactive population by age and sex in 2006 - 2015

  Inactive population, 1000 persons
Age group
15-74    15-64    15-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65-74   
Sex Year                
Both sexes total 2006 1 315 886 328 96 73 91 298 429
2007 1 306 875 317 94 70 91 304 431
2008 1 301 867 318 93 66 84 307 433
2009 1 347 903 336 99 65 85 318 444
2010 1 372 921 343 109 69 85 315 451
2011 1 376 902 337 110 67 82 306 474
2012 1 385 887 330 116 69 80 292 497
2013 1 411 886 327 118 76 83 283 524
2014 1 416 874 322 123 76 81 272 542
2015 1 413 856 319 122 78 79 258 557
Males 2006 614 422 171 30 27 49 146 192
2007 611 420 168 29 26 48 149 191
2008 603 411 168 27 23 44 149 192
2009 637 438 179 32 24 45 159 199
2010 639 437 179 33 26 43 156 202
2011 637 423 177 33 24 40 149 214
2012 648 424 175 38 25 40 147 224
2013 664 426 175 38 26 42 145 238
2014 669 424 171 42 27 42 141 245
2015 671 417 171 41 30 41 135 254
Females 2006 701 464 157 66 46 42 152 237
2007 695 455 150 64 44 42 155 240
2008 698 456 150 66 42 40 159 242
2009 710 465 157 67 41 41 159 245
2010 733 484 163 76 43 42 159 249
2011 739 479 160 77 43 42 157 261
2012 736 463 155 78 44 40 145 273
2013 747 461 151 80 50 41 138 286
2014 747 451 151 81 48 39 131 296
2015 742 439 147 81 48 38 124 303

Source: Labour Force Survey 2015. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Joanna Viinikka 029 551 3796, Arto Miettinen 029 551 2963,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 12.4.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. Employment and unemployment 2015, Appendix table 4. Inactive population by age and sex in 2006 - 2015 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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