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Appendix table 47. Employed person aged 15-74 by educational level and sex in 2014 - 2016

  Year Change Change
2014 2015 2016 2015/2016 2015/2016
1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons Per cent, %
Sex Level of education          
Both sexes Total 2 447 2 437 2 448 11 0,5
Upper secondary education (3,4) 1) 1 103 1 098 1 103 5 0,5
Tertiary education total (5,6,7,8) 1 043 1 057 1 064 7 0,6
- lowest level tertiary education (5) 300 293 282 -12 -3,9
- lower university level (6) 366 382 399 17 4,4
- higher university or doctorate level (7,8) 377 382 383 1 0,3
No post-basic level education or level of education unknown 302 282 282 0 -0,2
Males Total 1 254 1 249 1 267 18 1,4
Upper secondary education (3,4) 1) 608 607 620 13 2,1
Tertiary education total (5,6,7,8) 457 461 466 4 0,9
- lowest level tertiary education (5) 116 112 109 -4 -3,2
- lower university level (6) 166 174 181 6 3,7
- higher university or doctorate level (7,8) 175 175 176 1 0,8
No post-basic level education or level of education unknown 190 180 181 1 0,5
Females Total 1 193 1 188 1 182 -7 -0,5
Upper secondary education (3,4) 1) 495 491 483 -8 -1,6
Tertiary education total (5,6,7,8) 586 595 598 3 0,4
- lowest level tertiary education (5) 184 181 173 -8 -4,4
- lower university level (6) 200 207 218 10 5,1
- higher university or doctorate level (7,8) 202 207 207 0 0,0
No post-basic level education or level of education unknown 112 102 101 -1 -1,3
1) The National Classification of Education 2016 has been taken into use in the data for 2016. In the previous classification of level of education 2011, specialist vocational qualifications (4) were included in upper secondary education (3). In the new classification of education, categories 3 and 4 have been separated into individual categories. In the table, both of these categories are included in upper secondary level education.

Source: Labour force survey 2017, December. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Joanna Viinikka 029 551 3796, Kirsi Toivonen 029 551 3535,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 25.1.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. December 2017, Appendix table 47. Employed person aged 15-74 by educational level and sex in 2014 - 2016 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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