1 Introduction
This publication contains statistical data on employment, unemployment, and working hours of the population aged 15 to 74 living permanently in Finland. The data derive from the Labour Force Survey, which is a sample-based interview survey. The data are collected for all weeks of the year. Annual data are averages of monthly data, i.e. they describe the situation in an average week of the survey year. The annual working hour data are sums of monthly data. The concepts and definitions used in the Labour Force Survey comply with the recommendations of the ILO, the International Labour Organisation, and EU regulations concerning official statistics.
Key annual data of the Labour Force Survey concerning the year 2018 have been published in connection with the publication of data for December 2018 and the 4th quarter of 2018 on 24 January 2019. This publication contains the review section, Labour Force Survey time series data and annual data. Towards the end of the review section, we will discuss in more detail persons in the inactive population and young people that are not working or studying.
This present annual publication and the previous annual reviews are available on the web pages of the Labour Force Survey http://www.stat.fi/til/tyti/index_en.html .The home page also has monthly and quarterly data and time series tables complementing this publication in Statistics Finland's database .
Figure 1 below describes the main groups comprising the population aged 15 to 74 in the Labour Force Survey on which data are presented by sex, age group, industry or regional division. The figure also includes groups describing total population. Data concerning total population are annual population averages of the statistics on population structure for the year 2018.
Data of the second quarter of the preliminary population statistics for 2018. The shares of groups were calculated from total population.
Diagram 1. Total population and population aged 15 to 74 by labour market position in 2018, per cent of total population

Source: Labour Force Survey 2018. Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Ulla Hannula 029 551 2924, Tatu Leskinen 029 551 3285, tyovoimatutkimus@stat.fi
Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma
Updated 11.4.2019
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. Time series data 2009-2018 2018,
1 Introduction
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
Access method: http://stat.fi/til/tyti/2018/13/tyti_2018_13_2019-04-11_kat_001_en.html