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6 The household section of the Labour Force Survey provides data on employment in families

The data presented in this publication are based on the interview data obtained in the Labour Force Survey. The data collected with the Labour Force Survey are used to compile statistics on labour force participation, employment, unemployment and working hours of the population aged between 15 and 74. The data content of the survey is based on an EU Regulation. In most European countries, the Labour Force Survey data are collected from a sample of households, which means that all members of a household living at the same address are interviewed at the same time. Besides Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland are the only other countries where the sample is based on individual persons, i.e. only the target persons drawn into the sample are interviewed.

However, the EU regulation also requires data concerning households and in Finland this has been solved by exploiting the panel nature of the Labour Force Survey. In the Labour Force Survey, the same person is usually interviewed five times during 18 months. In addition to the basic interview, a household interview is conducted in the fifth interview round to ascertain the members who belong to the household of the interviewee and the activity of the household members aged 15 to 74 on the labour market. The data obtained in this way enable examinations of, for instance, the joint status of both spouses on the labour market. However, this publication centres only on families whose parents belong to the age group of those aged 20 to 59.

In 2018, the household data comprised approximately 47,000 persons who formed 18,000 households. The household data for the Labour Force Survey have been collected by the present method since 2003 and the data can mainly be published starting from the year 2004.


Kambur & Pärnänen, 2017a: Määritelmämuutos vuosilta 2008–2009 näkyy pienten lasten äitien työllisyydessä. (Definition change from 2008 to 2009 is visible in the employment of mothers with small children, in Finnish) Tilastokeskus, Tieto & Trendit, 2017. Määritelmämuutos vuosilta 2008–2009 näkyy pienten lasten äitien työllisyydessä.

Kambur & Pärnänen, 2017b: Suomi-Ruotsi-vertailu: Pienten lasten äitien työssäolossa ei suuria eroja. (Finland-Sweden comparison: No great differences in working among mothers of small children, in Finnish) Statistics Finland, Tieto & Trendit, 2017. Suomi-Ruotsi-vertailu: Pienten lasten äitien työssäolossa ei suuria eroja .

Source: Labour Force Survey 2018. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Tarja Nieminen 029 551 3561, Olga Kambur 029 551 3565,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 14.11.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. Families and work 2018, 6 The household section of the Labour Force Survey provides data on employment in families . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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