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Revisions in these statistics

The final Labour Force Survey data concerning January and February 2020 and 2021 have been published in connection with the data for March and the 1st quarter. The previously released data were preliminary and part of them have been revised due to the adjustment of the estimation method. The data for March and the 1st quarter of 2021 are final.

Revisions to Statistics Finland’s Labour Force Survey estimates 2020/01, 2020/02, 2021/01 and 2021/02, persons aged 15 to 74

  Year/month Estimate Revision of data
1st release Latest release (2021–05–04)
1000 persons
Population total 2020/01 4 132 4 132 0
2020/02 4 132 4 132 0
2021/01 4 127 4 127 0
2021/02 4 127 4 127 0
Active population total 2020/01 2 727 2 705 –22
2020/02 2 672 2 663 –9
2021/01 2 707 2 680 –28
2021/02 2 701 2 701 0
Employed 2020/01 2 534 2 514 –20
2020/02 2 487 2 479 –8
2021/01 2 473 2 445 –28
2021/02 2 481 2 481 0
Unemployed 2020/01 194 192 –2
2020/02 185 185 –1
2021/01 235 235 0
2021/02 220 220 0
Inactive population 2020/01 1 404 1 426 22
2020/02 1 460 1 469 9
2021/01 1 420 1 447 28
2021/02 1 426 1 426 0
    Per cent, % Percentage points
Employment rate, persons aged 15–64 2020/01 71,9 71,3 –0,6
2020/02 70,3 70,0 –0,3
2021/01 69,9 69,1 –0,8
2021/02 70,0 70,0 0,0
Unemployment rate 2020/01 7,1 7,1 0,0
2020/02 6,9 6,9 0,0
2021/01 8,7 8,8 0,1
2021/02 8,1 8,1 0,0
Activity rate 2020/01 66,0 65,5 –0,5
2020/02 64,7 64,4 –0,3
2021/01 65,6 64,9 –0,7
2021/02 65,5 65,5 0,0

Source: Labour force survey 2021, March. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pertti Taskinen 029 551 2690, Tatu Leskinen 029 551 3285,

Head of Department in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 04.05.2021

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. March 2021, Revisions in these statistics . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: