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Quarterly Labour Force Survey data are published by TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification in April

The TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification has been adopted as of the beginning of 2009. Data on the first quarter of 2009 are published in April.

The data of these statistics in the free StatFin database as well as in the chargeable Astika time series database and printed publication are shown according to the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification. Data will no longer be published from these statistics by the TOL 2002 Standard Industrial Classification. The previously published data according to TOL 2002 will remain available on the home page of the statistics and in the database services.

The following combined (TOL 2008) industry categories are used in the Labour Force Survey.

TOL 2008
00-99    Industries total
01-09    A-B   Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying
01    Agriculture
10-33    C   Manufacturing
10-15    Manufacture of food products, beverages and textiles
16-18    Manufacture of wood products, paper and paper products: printing and reproduction of recorded media
19-23    Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products, and basic pharmaceutical products
24-25    Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
26-30    Manufacture of electronic and optical products, electrical equipment, machinery and vehicles
31-33    Manufacture of furniture, other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment
35-39    D-E   Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management
41-43    F   Construction
41    Construction of buildings
43    Specialised construction activities
45-47    G   Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
45    Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
46    Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
47    Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
49-53    H   Transportation and storage
49-51    Land, water and air transport
52-53    Warehousing and support activities for transportation; postal and courier activities
55-56    I   Accommodation and food service activities
58-63    J   Information and communication
64-68    K-L   Financial, insurance and real estate activities
69-75    M   Professional, scientific and technical activities
71    Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
77-82    N   Administrative and support service activities
81    Services to buildings and landscape activities
84    O   Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
85    P   Education
86-88    Q   Human health and social work activities
86    Human health activities
87    Residential care activities
88    Social work activities without accommodation
90-93    R   Arts, entertainment and recreation
94-99    S-U    Other service activities
00    X   Industry unknown

Use and comparability of data compiled by TOL 2008 and TOL 2002

Information about differences and similarities between the classifications is available on the following web page: and in Statistics Finland's handbook on the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification. The classifications deviate from each other so much that straightforward conversion keys cannot be used between them. Some industries especially in manufacturing convert almost fully from the old to the revised classification but especially in services the structure of the revised classification has changed completely from the TOL 2002 classification.

The point of departure adopted in the Labour Force Survey is that from 2009 onwards TOL 2008 is the only classification in use.

Publishing of retrospective data by the TOL 2008 classification

Data concerning 2005-2008 will be published by TOL 2008 in Statistics Finland's database services starting from May 2009. The series contain data on employed persons, wage and salary earners and hours worked by the aforementioned 36 industry groups. The background variable is gender. Labour Force Survey data according to the TOL 2008 classification by other background variables (age, region, etc.) can be requested and ordered as a charged service from Mr Veli Rajaniemi,; tel. +358 9 1734 3434.

Data by industry cannot be published from Labour Force Surveys between 2000 and 2004 at the same accuracy as from surveys between 2005 and 2008. Time series data for 2000-2004 will be published by the main categories of TOL 2008 during June 2009, provided the quality and reliability of the data are found to be sufficiently good.

Last updated 6.5.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Työvoimatutkimus [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7830. Helsinki: Tilastokeskus [referred: 9.3.2025].
Access method: