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Published: 28 November 2013

Foreign entrepreneurial activity in Finland is mainly European

Statistics Finland's latest release indicates that foreign affiliates employed around 234,000 persons in Finland in 2012. European companies' share of the personnel was 80 per cent. European enterprises also generated a majority, around 76 per cent, of foreign affiliates' EUR 75 billion turnover.

Share of foreign affiliates’ personnel and turnover by continent

 Share of foreign affiliates’ personnel and turnover by continent

Foreign affiliates cover 15 to 16 per cent of the personnel of the enterprises operating in Finland ( Appendix figure 1 ). The share has remained roughly at the same level for the past five years. Turnover has, in turn, stabilised around close on 20 per cent. However, the shares vary considerably between industries. In main industries, the shares vary between two and 35 per cent ( Appendix figure 2 ). 1) The picture is slightly different if you look at the number of personnel and turnover instead of the shares. Measured like this, affiliates' activities are biggest in wholesale and retail trade, and in manufacturing ( Appendix figure 3 ).

The nationality of an enterprise is recorded based on the institutional unit that controls it. Usually this is an enterprise located abroad that owns over 50 per cent of the enterprise, either directly or indirectly. Swedish enterprises clearly own the largest share of the affiliates located in Finland ( Appendix figure 4 ).

1) The percentage shares are based on the data of the annual statistics on Finnish enterprises.

Source: Foreign affiliates in Finland 2012, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Teemu Oinonen 09 1734 2634, Anna-Maija Paakki 09 1734 3640,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

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Updated 28.11.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Foreign affiliates in Finland [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2552. 2012. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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