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Published: 7 September 2021

Sea transport increased in July

The goods volume of foreign sea transport was in total 8.1 million tonnes in July 2021. Sea transport increased by eight per cent from last year's July. Exports increased by eleven per cent and were 4.3 million tonnes. Import volume increased by 4 per cent and amounted to 3.9 million tonnes.

Foreign sea Transport by month (tonnes) in 2019 to 2021

Foreign sea Transport by month (tonnes) in 2019 to 2021

General cargo was transported most, in total 1.4 million tonnes, which was 17 per cent of all transport. The second most transported were oil products, 1.0 million tonnes, and ores and concentrates, 0.9 million tonnes.

Container transport

A total of 0.9 million tonnes of containers were transported through Finnish ports i July 2021, which was 10 per cent more than in July 2020. The number of containers transported was 63,954 (112,278 TEU containers) 1) . Exports of containers went down by 12 per cent measured in tonnes and imports went down by 6 per cent compared to July 2020.

Vehicle transport

A total of 275,026 transport equipment were transported in foreign sea traffic in July 2021. Most transports of transport equipment were cars belonging to passengers. In July, 178,684 cars belonging to passengers were transported. The second most transported were trucks, 55,999 and truck trailers, 36,759.

Passenger traffic

A total of 874,381 persons were transported in passenger traffic in July 2021. In all, 435,522 passengers travelled between Finland and Estonia, 420,986 passengers between Finland and Sweden and 17,873 passengers between Finland and Germany. Compared with July 2020, the number of passengers decreased by 15 per cent in July. Compared with July 2019, the number of passengers was, however, just 32 per cent. In July 2021, no passengers of foreign cruise ships arrived in Finland.

Vessel traffic and goods volume in the Saimaa Canal

A total of 154,983 tons of transport were registered through the canal in foreign traffic. Timber was transported most in vessels in foreign traffic, in total 80,423 tonnes. The second most transported were crude minerals and cement.

1) TEU, the basic measurement unit of container traffic, refers to one container that is twenty feet long, eight feet wide and 8.5 feet high.

Source: Transport and tourism, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Olli Kajava 029 551 3531,

Head of Department in charge: Hannele Orjala

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Updated 07.09.2021

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Foreign Shipping Traffic [e-publication].
ISSN=2670-2002. July 2021. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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