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Published: 23 March 2007

The population of Finland in 2006

On 31 December 2006 the total population of Finland was 5,276,955 of which 2,583,742 are men and 2,693,213 women. In the course of 2006, Finland's population grew by 21,375 persons. The increase in population was the largest since 1993. The number of men grew by 11,392 and that of women by 9,983.

Of the population, 17.1 per cent are children aged 0 to 14 and 16.5 per cent are over 65 years of age. Persons over 100 years of age numbered 410, of whom 56 are men and 354 women. Only thee persons, one man and two women, in the population were born in the 19th century.

The population grew most, both absolutely and relatively, in the region of Uusimaa. The addition was 14,450 persons, that is, 1.1 per cent. In absolute numbers the population shrunk most in the region of South Savo, by 1,015 persons. In relative numbers the population shrunk most, by 1.1 per cent, in the region of Kainuu.

After municipal consolidations in early 2007, Finland now has 416 municipalities. During 2006 the population grew in 165 and shrunk in 249 municipalities. Helsinki had the biggest absolute increase in population (3,616 persons) and Liminka the biggest relative increase (6.4 per cent). Varkaus had the biggest absolute decrease in population (303 persons) and Sottunga the biggest relative decrease (5.5 per cent).

Population by age in 1980-2006

Year Population Aged 0-14 Aged 15-64 Aged 65+ 0-14% 15-64% 65+ %
1980 4,787,778 965,209 3,245,187 577,382 20.2 67.8 12.1
1985 4,910,664 951,532 3,341,398 617,734 19.4 68.0 12.6
1990 4,998,478 964,203 3,361,310 672,965 19.3 67.2 13.5
1995 5,116,826 971,770 3,412,639 732,417 19.0 66.7 14.3
2000 5,181,115 936,333 3,467,584 777,198 18.1 66.9 15.0
2005 5,255,580 906,904 3,507,511 841,165 17.3 66.7 16.0
2006 5,276,955 901,181 3,507,057 868,717 17.1 66.5 16.5


At the end of 2006 Finland was the country of permanent residence of 5,155,216 Finnish citizens, i.e. 97.7 per cent of the population, and 121,739 foreign citizens, i.e. 2.3 per cent of the population. During 2006 the number of foreign citizens grew by 7,887 persons. The largest groups of foreign citizens were from Russia (25,326 persons), Estonia (17,599 persons), Sweden (8,265 persons) and Somalia (4,623 persons). The number of persons who were born abroad but live in Finland was 187,910.

Of the population of Finland 4,828,747 persons (91.5 per cent) had Finnish as native language, 289,609 persons (5.5 per cent) Swedish and 1,772 persons (0.03 per cent) Sami.

Persons with a native language other than Finnish, Swedish or Sami numbered 156,827, or 3.0 per cent. The largest foreign-language groups spoke Russian (42,182 persons), Estonian (17,489 persons), English (9,659 persons), Somali (8,990 persons) and Arabic (7,564 persons).

Population by country of birth, citizenship and native language, 31 December 2006

Source: Population and Cause of Death Statistics. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mr Markus Rapo +358 9 1734 3238,

Director in charge: Ms Marja Tammilehto-Luode


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Last updated 23.3.2007

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Population structure [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-5395. 2006. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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