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Published: 21 July 2015

Finland's preliminary population figure 5,476,911 at the end of June

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, Finland's population was 5,476,911 at the end of June. During January to June, Finland’s population grew by 5,160 persons. The reason for the population increase was migration gain from abroad: the number of immigrants was 4,470 higher than that of emigrants. Natural population increase, or excess of births to deaths, was only 690 persons.

Population increase by month 2012–2015*

Population increase by month 2012–2015*

According to the preliminary statistics for January to June, altogether 10,880 persons immigrated to Finland from abroad and 6,410 persons emigrated from Finland. The number of immigrants was 3,340 lower and the number of emigrants 330 higher than in the previous year. In all, 3,240 of the immigrants and 4,300 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens.

During January to June, a total of 27,240 children were born, which was 1,260 fewer than in the corresponding period in 2014. The number of deaths was 26,550, which is 390 higher than one year earlier.

According to the preliminary data, the number of inter-municipal migrations totalled 120,770 by the end of June. Compared with the previous January to June period, the increase was 2,270 migrations according to the municipal division of 2015. The number of migration inside region and between regions both increased by good one thousand from one year earlier.

According to preliminary data by region, the population grew in the following regions in January to June of this year: Uusimaa, Pirkanmaa, North Ostrobothnia, Varsinais-Suomi and Central Ostrobothnia. There was also a slight population increase in Åland.

In January to June, the population grew most in absolute numbers in Uusimaa, where it grew by 8,950 persons. The next largest increase in population was seen in Pirkanmaa, 880 persons. Relative to the population, population increase was highest in Uusimaa, 5.6 per mil and in Central Ostrobothnia, 2.0 per mil. Relative population growth was third largest in Pirkanmaa, 1.8 per mil. Population loss was highest in absolute numbers in the region of Lapland that lost 860 persons of its population. The population of North Savo decreased by 620 persons, which was the second most. Relative to the population, the biggest population loss was found in Lapland, 4.7 per mil and the second biggest in Kainuu, 4.6 per mil.

Most migration gain from intramunicipal and international migration was collected by Uusimaa, 6,220 persons and Pirkanmaa, 610 persons. Most migration gain in relative terms was attained by Uusimaa, 3.9 per mil and by Åland, 1.4 per mil.

In absolute numbers, migration loss from total net migration was biggest in the region of Lapland, 570 persons. In the region of Central Finland the loss was 500 persons. In relative terms, the biggest migration loss from total net migration was also found in the region of Lapland, 3.1 per mil of the population.

During January to June, migration between regions numbered 54,100. The highest gain from migration between regions was seen in Uusimaa, Pirkanmaa and Central Ostrobothnia. In absolute numbers, the highest gain from migration between regions was received by Uusimaa, 4,220 persons and Pirkanmaa, 350 persons. Relative to the population, population increase was highest in Uusimaa, 2.6 per mil and in Central Ostrobothnia, 0.8 per mil.

Migration loss from migration between regions was biggest both in absolute numbers and in relative terms in the region of Lapland, 750 persons and 4.1 per mil of the population.

Source: Population and Justice Statistics. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Matti Saari 029 551 3401, Marja-Liisa Helminen 029 551 3273,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 21.07.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Preliminary population statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=2243-3627. June 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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