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Published: 21 June 2007

Central government productivity improved moderately in 2006

The productivity of central government agencies and institutions improved slightly in 2006. The productivity of labour increased by 0.4 per cent and total productivity by 0.9 from 2005. The growth of the past few years in the added up volume of output of the agencies and institutions came to a halt and the volume remained on level with the previous year. The growth in the productivity is explained by reductions in the volumes of labour and total inputs. These data derive from the statistics on central government productivity compiled by Statistics Finland.

The most striking feature in the development of total productivity in 2006 was that the volume of output did not grow. The reversal from the past few years’ moderate or negative development in productivity towards improvement continued in 2006 because the volume of total input fell. Total input grew clearly faster between 2002 and 2004 than between 2005 and 2006. Development in the productivity of labour was slightly weaker than development in total productivity but, nevertheless, still positive like in 2005.

Development in the output, production inputs and productivity of central government agencies and institutions 1995-2006 (2000=100)

Development in the output, production inputs and productivity of central government agencies and institutions 1995-2006 (2000=100)

Calculations for the statistics on central government productivity are performed with data on pairs of successive years by comparing the volumes of outputs and inputs of a respondent unit for the services with identical contents it has produced in the two years. The agencies and institutions included in the measurement vary slightly from one year and administrative sector to the next depending on the quantity and quality of the obtained responses. Measured with total costs, the coverage of the statistics in 2006 was 75 per cent.

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Source: Statistics on central government productivity 2006. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jani Heikkinen (09) 1734 3339, Susanna Laine (09) 1734 3317

Director in charge: Ari Tyrkkö

Updated 21.6.2007

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Statistics on central government productivity [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-0490. 2006. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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