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Published: 14 July 2016

Tax revenue grew by 2.2 per cent in 2015

The accrual of taxes and compulsory social security contributions grew by 2.2 per cent in 2015. The total accrual amounted to EUR 92 billion. The tax ratio grew from the previous year by 0.2 percentage points to 44.0 per cent. The tax ratio describes the ratio of taxes and compulsory social security contributions to gross domestic product. The tax ratio for 2015 went down by 0.5 percentage points mainly because GDP became revised from the preliminary data released in March. The data on the accrual of taxes did not become significantly revised from previously released data. These data are based on the revised national accounts data for 2015.

Taxes and compulsory social security contributions by sector, 2014 - 2015*

  2014 2015*
S13+S212 Total Million euro 90 027 92 000
Ratio to GDP, % 43,8 44,0
S1311 Central Government Million euro 42 686 43 346
Ratio to GDP, % 20,8 20,7
S1313 Local Government Million euro 21 174 21 864
Ratio to GDP, % 10,3 10,5
S1314 Social Security Funds Million euro 25 996 26 624
Ratio to GDP, % 12,7 12,7
S212 European Union Million euro 171 166
Ratio to GDP, % 0,1 0,1

*Preliminary data

The revenue from income tax of corporations grew particularly. The revenue from income tax paid by corporations rose by 15.2 per cent and totalled EUR 4.4 billion. In addition, the accrual from households' income tax, employment pension contributions paid by employers and the insured, inheritance and gift tax and energy taxes, for example, grew in 2015. The accrual of excise duties on alcoholic beverages, in turn, contracted by 1.8 per cent, to EUR 1.4 billion. For example, duty on interests, excise duty on motor cars, and waste tax also decreased. EUR two million were recorded in the national accounts as tax revenue from the contributions to the Resolution Fund collected by the Financial Stability Authority in 2015 from credit institutions and investment firms. The share of the contribution covered by the bank tax collected in earlier years was not recorded as tax revenue.

In 2015, the tax revenue of the state totalled EUR 43.3 billion. The growth from the year before amounted to 1.5 per cent. The tax revenue of local government totalled EUR 21.9 billion and grew by 3.3 per cent from one year before. The accruals of compulsory social security contributions paid to social security funds increased by 2.4 per cent and totalled EUR 26.6 billion. The proportion of taxes and statutory social security contributions in consolidated total general government income was 80.1 per cent in 2015.

In 2015, the net tax ratio decreased to 17.6 per cent from 17.9 per cent in the year before. The net tax ratio is calculated by deducting the subsidies, and current and capital transfers paid by general government to households and enterprises from the tax ratio.

Source: National Accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kirsi Peltonen 029 551 3464,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 14.7.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Taxes and tax-like payments [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-6998. 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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