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Revisions in these statistics

Revision of the tax rate

Sector Variable Year 1st release, % 1) Latest release, % Revision, percentage point (latest minus first)
S13+S212 General government and Institutions and Bodies of the European Union Tax ratio 2013 44,0 43,6 -0,4
2014 44,1 43,8 -0,3
2015 44,5 43,9 -0,6
2016 44,3 44,0 -0,3
2017 43,4 43,3 -0,1
1) 2013: the first release according to ESA2010 on 11 July 2014.

Revision of the tax bill

Sector Variable Year 1st release, EUR mil. 1) Newest release, EUR mil. Revision, EUR mil. (latest minus first)
S13+S212 General government and Institutions and Bodies of the European Union All taxes and payments total 2013 88 589 88 688 99
2014 89 932 90 027 95
2015 92 144 92 002 -70
2016 94 935 95 126 191
2017 96 930 97 014 84
1) 2013: the first release according to ESA2010 on 11 July 2014.

Source: National Accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Katariina Pentti 029 551 3003,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 12.7.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Taxes and tax-like payments [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-6998. 2017, Revisions in these statistics . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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