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Published: 2 December 2011

Size of population with educational qualifications has multiplied many times over in 40 years

By the end of 2010, a total of 3,005,000 persons in Finland had attained post-comprehensive level educational qualifications in upper secondary general school education, vocational education, polytechnic education or university education. Four decades earlier, their number was 3.4 times lower, or 882,000. By the end of 1970, one out of four and by the end of 2010 two out of three in the population aged 15 or over had attained a post-comprehensive level educational qualification.

Population aged 15 or over by level of education 1970-2010

Population aged 15 or over by level of education 1970-2010

Persons having only completed the basic level of education, i.e. comprehensive school, middle school or elementary school, numbered 1,483,000 in 2010, or one-third of the population aged 15 or over. Upper secondary level qualifications were held by 39 per cent and tertiary level qualifications by 28 per cent. In 1970, persons having only completed the basic level of education numbered 2,600,000, or three-quarters of the population aged 15 or over. At that time, upper secondary level qualifications were held by 16 per cent and tertiary level qualifications by 9 per cent.

In 2010, the share of population aged 15 or over with educational qualifications was highest in Kauniainen at 79 per cent and lowest in Rautavaara at 49 per cent. In four decades, the share of population aged 15 or over with educational qualifications has risen by least in Kauniainen and by most in municipalities around Oulu. Municipalities have been compared according to the municipal division valid on 1 January 2011.

Source: Education 2011. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Aila Repo (09) 1734 3271,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

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Updated 2.12.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Educational structure of population [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2919. 2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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