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Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2014

Fielf of education Gender Level of education
Total Upper secondary /Post-secondary non tertiary education (ISCED 3/4) Tertiary level total Lowest level tertiary ISCED 5 Bachelor level (ISCED 6) Master level (ISCED 7) Second stage of tertiary Education (ISCED 8)
Total Total 3 213 533 1 853 693 1 359 840 456 611 467 711 393 861 41 657
Women 1 662 307 884 756 777 551 279 490 261 834 218 309 17 918
General Education Total 317 794 317 794 - - - - -
Women 155 025 155 025 - - - - -
Teacher Ed., Educational Sc. Total 94 964 2 268 92 696 11 659 37 947 41 099 1 991
Women 73 776 772 73 004 10 554 28 555 32 564 1 331
Humanities and Arts. Total 164 309 40 830 123 479 6 968 42 695 68 836 4 980
Women 116 239 25 782 90 457 4 416 31 670 51 794 2 577
Social Sciences and Business Total 610 528 174 604 435 924 206 153 112 152 110 102 7 517
Women 410 485 123 713 286 772 147 308 72 864 63 091 3 509
Natural sciences Total 77 119 17 770 59 349 5 704 8 148 36 966 8 531
Women 32 173 4 467 27 706 2 370 3 736 18 391 3 209
Technology Total 952 560 652 836 299 724 83 740 133 998 74 051 7 935
Women 152 174 110 929 41 245 6 036 18 846 14 716 1 647
Agriculture and forestry Total 138 520 98 570 39 950 14 718 13 094 10 885 1 253
Women 47 226 32 766 14 460 3 433 5 106 5 338 583
Health and welfare Total 454 822 213 729 241 093 98 949 92 297 40 877 8 970
Women 402 628 193 813 208 815 91 655 83 192 29 095 4 873
Services Total 392 748 330 768 61 980 27 737 25 091 8 939 213
Women 267 737 235 394 32 343 13 248 16 771 2 245 79
Other Field Total 10 169 4 524 5 645 983 2 289 2 106 267
Women 4 844 2 095 2 749 470 1 094 1 075 110

Source: Education 2015. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mika Witting 029 551 3571,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 5.11.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Educational structure of population [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2919. 2014, Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2014 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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