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Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2015

Fielf of education Gender Level of education
Total Upper secondary /Post-secondary non tertiary education (ISCED 3/4) Tertiary level total Lowest level tertiary ISCED 5 Bachelor level (ISCED 6) Master level (ISCED 7) Second stage of tertiary Education (ISCED 8)
Total Total 3 245 724 1 867 828 1 377 896 447 112 484 271 403 731 42 782
Women 1 680 606 890 808 789 798 274 552 271 769 224 846 18 631
General Education Total 315 699 315 699 - - - - -
Women 153 230 153 230 - - - - -
Teacher Ed., Educational Sc. Total 96 606 2 271 94 335 11 335 38 418 42 534 2 048
Women 75 152 762 74 390 10 250 28 974 33 786 1 380
Humanities and Arts. Total 166 822 40 842 125 980 6 655 43 719 70 508 5 098
Women 117 743 25 475 92 268 4 234 32 292 53 077 2 665
Social Sciences and Business Total 620 709 180 432 440 277 202 831 116 320 113 412 7 714
Women 416 896 127 427 289 469 145 229 75 209 65 378 3 653
Natural sciences Total 78 466 18 456 60 010 5 044 8 535 37 656 8 775
Women 32 601 4 413 28 188 2 255 3 906 18 699 3 328
Technology Total 964 984 660 593 304 391 82 180 138 110 75 871 8 230
Women 156 732 114 457 42 275 5 918 19 423 15 185 1 749
Agriculture and forestry Total 139 232 99 051 40 181 14 377 13 534 10 993 1 277
Women 47 991 33 254 14 737 3 354 5 341 5 441 601
Health and welfare Total 460 576 213 393 247 183 97 621 98 069 42 243 9 250
Women 406 531 192 610 213 921 90 409 88 243 30 172 5 097
Services Total 397 867 335 203 62 664 26 690 26 562 9 192 220
Women 271 242 238 290 32 952 12 696 17 813 2 361 82
Other Field Total 4 763 1 888 2 875 379 1 004 1 322 170
Women 2 488 890 1 598 207 568 747 76

Source: Education 2016. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mika Witting 029 551 3571,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 3.11.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Educational structure of population [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2919. 2015, Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2015 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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