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Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2016

Field of education Gender Level of education
Total Upper secondary education Post-secondary non-tertiary education Tertiary level
Short-cycle tertiary education Bachelor’s or equivalent level Master’s or equivalent level Doctoral or equivalent level
Total Total 3 287 272 1 852 669 32 199 1 402 404 441 758 500 520 416 084 44 042
Women 1 702 742 883 194 14 820 804 728 271 636 281 100 232 607 19 385
Generic programmes and qualifications Total 311 346 311 346 - - - - - -
Women 150 672 150 672 - - - - - -
Education Total 99 973 1 792 509 97 672 11 049 39 768 44 693 2 162
Women 77 970 661 97 77 212 9 996 30 200 35 551 1 465
Arts and humanities Total 183 451 57 643 756 125 052 6 570 42 070 71 189 5 223
Women 124 134 32 791 380 90 963 4 191 30 810 53 256 2 706
Social sciences, journalism and information Total 73 598 497 - 73 101 3 761 14 799 49 491 5 050
Women 48 008 376 - 47 632 2 252 9 572 33 086 2 722
Business, administration and law Total 534 864 173 786 13 767 347 311 191 822 87 176 65 610 2 703
Women 362 359 123 915 5 114 233 330 138 504 58 938 34 780 1 108
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Total 50 513 2 503 44 47 966 - 7 418 32 066 8 482
Women 26 402 1 182 22 25 198 - 4 055 17 767 3 376
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Total 113 894 36 653 466 76 775 14 638 38 450 21 541 2 146
Women 23 121 5 236 71 17 814 5 709 7 435 4 291 379
Engineering, manufacturing and construction Total 895 770 620 413 5 182 270 175 76 634 119 117 67 143 7 281
Women 146 061 105 461 1 031 39 569 5 635 17 772 14 473 1 689
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary Total 136 368 95 448 703 40 217 14 243 13 559 11 071 1 344
Women 47 118 31 997 207 14 914 3 407 5 260 5 563 684
Health and welfare Total 479 614 219 351 2 467 257 796 97 491 108 777 42 286 9 242
Women 419 635 194 579 2 261 222 795 90 046 97 271 30 391 5 087
Services Total 403 191 331 377 8 305 63 509 25 178 28 405 9 684 242
Women 274 821 235 448 5 637 33 736 11 695 19 236 2 710 95
Unknown Total 4 690 1 860 - 2 830 372 981 1 310 167
Women 2 441 876 - 1 565 201 551 739 74

Source: Education 2016. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mika Witting 029 551 3530,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 2.11.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Educational structure of population [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2919. 2016, Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2016 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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