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Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2017

Field of education Gender Level of education
Total Upper secondary education Post-secondary non-tertiary education Tertiary level
Short-cycle tertiary education Bachelor’s or equivalent level Master’s or equivalent level Doctoral or equivalent level
Total Total 3 334 648 1 863 943 38 429 1 432 276 436 426 518 969 431 146 45 735
Women 1 726 666 885 689 17 929 823 048 268 435 292 374 241 915 20 324
Generic programmes and qualifications Total 307 607 307 607 - - - - - -
Women 147 687 147 687 - - - - - -
Education Total 102 110 1 750 591 99 769 11 191 40 128 46 231 2 219
Women 79 764 643 113 79 008 10 081 30 628 36 787 1 512
Arts and humanities Total 187 143 58 133 913 128 097 6 642 43 083 72 945 5 427
Women 126 499 33 039 474 92 986 4 213 31 413 54 523 2 837
Social sciences, journalism and information Total 75 998 517 - 75 481 3 827 15 389 51 038 5 227
Women 49 809 394 - 49 415 2 276 9 983 34 307 2 849
Business, administration and law Total 545 948 177 019 16 212 352 717 190 009 91 014 68 879 2 815
Women 368 232 125 553 6 195 236 484 137 365 61 154 36 787 1 178
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Total 51 980 2 666 56 49 258 - 7 699 32 734 8 825
Women 27 120 1 272 28 25 820 - 4 171 18 084 3 565
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Total 116 985 37 692 595 78 698 14 530 39 549 22 381 2 238
Women 23 422 5 209 107 18 106 5 652 7 534 4 519 401
Engineering, manufacturing and construction Total 903 014 622 485 6 242 274 287 75 486 121 525 69 717 7 559
Women 146 621 104 777 1 307 40 537 5 599 18 018 15 162 1 758
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary Total 136 701 95 238 796 40 667 14 007 13 910 11 351 1 399
Women 47 636 32 054 245 15 337 3 370 5 460 5 793 714
Health and welfare Total 494 223 225 667 2 991 265 565 95 334 116 174 44 461 9 596
Women 431 416 199 503 2 669 229 244 88 021 103 668 32 223 5 332
Services Total 408 048 333 328 10 033 64 687 24 892 29 464 10 075 256
Women 275 909 234 685 6 791 34 433 11 586 19 763 2 982 102
Unknown Total 4 891 1 841 - 3 050 508 1 034 1 334 174
Women 2 551 873 - 1 678 272 582 748 76

Source: Education 2017. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mika Witting 029 551 3571,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 2.11.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Educational structure of population [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2919. 2017, Appendix table 1. Population with educational qualification by level of education, field of education and gender 2017 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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