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Published: 29 November 2012

Stock of central government guarantees EUR 29.5 billion at the end of September

The stock of central government guarantees stood at EUR 29.5 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2012. At the end of September, the stock of guarantees was 29 per cent higher than one year previously and just under two per cent higher than at the end of the previous quarter. During the third quarter of the year, new central government guarantees were granted to the amount of EUR 2.9 billion. The largest share of the new guarantees was granted to the rest of the world. Central government guarantees include all guarantees granted by the state, state-owned enterprises and special credit institutions for which the state is ultimately liable.

New central government guarantees granted, EUR million

New central government guarantees granted, EUR million

Guarantees to enterprises make up 40 per cent of the stock of central government guarantees. Guarantees granted to housing associations account for 26 per cent and those to the rest of the world for 19 per cent of the guarantee stock. The remaining 15 per cent of the stock of central government guarantees divides between households, financial and insurance corporations, and general government.

Source: Central government guarantees, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Susanna Laine 09 1734 3317,

Director in charge: Ari Tyrkkö


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Updated 29.11.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Central government guarantees [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-5819. 3rd quarter 2012. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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