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Published: 26 September 2013

Households pay over one third of all environmental taxes

In 2011, households paid nearly EUR 2.3 billion in environmental taxes. Environmental taxes in manufacturing amounted to good EUR 0.6 billion and taxes in the transportation and storage industry were EUR 0.8 billion. These data appear from Statistics Finland's statistics on environmental taxes by industry released for the first time.

Environmental taxes by industry group and tax type in 2011, EUR million

Environmental taxes by industry group and tax type in 2011, EUR million

Over one half of the environmental taxes paid by households, EUR 1.2 billion, were energy taxes and good EUR one billion transport taxes. In the transportation and storage industry, most environmental taxes were levied from land transport, over EUR 0.6 billion. The majority of the environmental taxes in manufacturing was paid by the industry group of oil refining and manufacture of chemicals, where environmental taxes totalled over EUR 0.4 billion. In real estate activities, environmental taxes amounted to EUR 0.3 billion, in trade to EUR 0.25 billion and in both energy supply and construction to good EUR 0.2 billion.

Environmental taxes by industry in 2011, EUR million

Industries (TOL 2008) Energy taxes Transport taxes Emission taxes Resource taxes Environmental taxes total
Agriculture, fishing and hunting 91,3 16,7 0,0 .. 108,1
Forestry 30,1 2,9 0,2 .. 33,2
Mining and quarrying 13,5 1,5 0,0 .. 15,0
Food industry 9,3 5,4 0,0 .. 14,6
Forest industry 95,4 4,7 0,2 .. 100,4
Oil refining and manufacture of chemicals 377,3 2,2 25,2 .. 404,6
Manufacture of basic metals and metal products 55,6 4,9 0,1 .. 60,6
Other manufacturing 25,2 16,2 0,2 .. 41,6
Energy supply 215,3 13,7 0,0 .. 229,0
Water supply and waste management 35,4 26,8 64,0 .. 126,3
Constraction 177,9 35,6 0,1 .. 213,5
Trade 109,3 141,6 0,2 .. 251,1
Land transport and transport via pipelines 502,4 114,3 0,6 .. 617,3
Water transport 98,5 1,0 0,0 .. 99,5
Air transport 34,9 0,4 0,0 .. 35,3
Support activities for transportation, post 92,3 3,2 0,3 .. 95,8
Real estate activities 282,0 19,9 0,1 .. 302,1
Other services and administration 417,4 400,0 3,0 .. 820,4
Households 1 214,1 1 016,1 12,6 24,0 2 266,8
TOTAL 3 877,2 1 827,0 107,0 24,0 5 835,3

Environmental taxes are comprised of energy taxes, transport taxes, emission taxes and resource taxes. Two-thirds of the total sum of environmental taxes are energy taxes on electricity and fuels. Nearly one-thirds of environmental taxes are various transport taxes levied from vehicles. The share of emission taxes make up under two per cent of Finland's environmental taxes, most of this being waste taxes. The only resource taxes in Finland are licence fees for hunting and fishing.

Environmental taxes accounted for good seven per cent of the entire tax revenue of the state in 2011. In 2008, the corresponding share was good six per cent.

The statistics on environmental taxes by industry are calculated according to the EU Regulation on environmental accounts. Finland reports the data for the years 2008 to 2011 to the EU for the first time at the end of September. In future, the data will be reported yearly.

The statistics on environmental taxes by industry are part of environmental accounts, where the main principle is to describe the interaction between the environment and the economy. In the statistics, environmental taxes are presented according to the industrial classification used in national accounts. In this way the data can be directly connected to various monetary variables of national accounts, such as total output and value added. Data on environmental taxes by industry can also be combined to data on emissions into air by industry.

Source: Environmental taxes 2011, by industry

Inquiries: Niina Autio 09 1734 3406, Jukka Muukkonen 09 1734 3224,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

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Updated 26.09.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Environmental and energy taxes [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-796X. by industry 2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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