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Published: 7 December 2012

Value of the environmental goods and services sector close to EUR 12 billion

In 2011, the turnover of the environmental goods and services sector amounted to EUR 11.8 billion. The biggest producer in the environmental goods and services sector was the metal industry. Construction was included in the statistics for the first time, its value in the environmental goods and services sector was EUR 1.0 billion. The environmental goods and services sector accounted 4 per cent of total turnover in construction. In construction, production of environmental goods and services is mostly composed of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. These data derive from Statistics Finland's statistics on the environmental goods and services sector.

Turnover from environmental business in the main industries of the environmental goods and services sector and in manufacturing

Turnover from environmental business in the main industries of the environmental goods and services sector and in manufacturing

In 2011, the number of enterprises with environmental goods and services as their secondary activity in manufacturing was close to 700. The biggest producer in the environmental goods and services sector was the metal industry with EUR 4.9 billion, which made up seven per cent of total turnover in the industry. Exports of environmental goods and services in manufacturing totalled EUR 4.4 billion. Environmental goods and services in manufacturing include such as the promotion of material efficiency and the production of machinery and equipment needed for the environmental goods and services sector.

Environmental goods and services in professional, scientific and technical activities amounted to EUR 456 million in 2011. In these industries environmental goods and services activities mainly consisted of consulting, planning and research. There were a little over 300 enterprises producing environmental goods and services in these industries.

Enterprises with the environmental goods and services sector as their main activity include those engaged in remediation activities and in hydropower and wind power. In 2011, the number of enterprises that had the environmental goods and services sector as their main activity was 797 and their total turnover amounted to EUR 2.8 billion. One third of the turnover came from waste management. The second biggest main activity was materials recovery, whose turnover was EUR 861 million and investments EUR 21 million. The main industries in the environmental goods and services sector employed 6300 persons.

The environmental goods and services sector refers to a business activity related to production which is based on prevention of environmental pollution or saving of natural resources. In Finland statistics on the environmental goods and services sector are now released for the third time. Due to revisions to the target group, the data in this release are not in all respects comparable with the releases concerning the previous two statistical reference years.

Source: Environmental goods and services sector 2011, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jukka Muukkonen 09 1734 3224, Anna Piirainen 09 1734 3228,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

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Updated 7.12.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Environmental goods and services sector [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-5108. 2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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