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Published: 26 October 2017

Water and waste management invested most in environmental protection in 2015

Corrected on 1 November 2017. Corrections have been made to the figures of the sector ‘mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply, water and waste management’. The corrections are caused by an error detected in the production system. The corrected figures are indicated in red.

The combined environmental protection expenditure in the public sector amounted to around EUR 953 million in 2014. In 2015, expenditure totalled EUR 981 million. Correspondingly, enterprises’ environmental protection expenditure was around EUR 2 085 million in 2014 and EUR 2 312 million in 2015. Households’ environmental protection expenditure amounted to EUR 834 million in 2014 and to EUR 863 million in 2015. The data appear from Statistics Finland’s new statistics on Environmental protection expenditure accounts for 2014 and 2015. The statistics belong to the EU’s Regulation on European environmental economic accounts and cover the public sector, households, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply, and water and waste management.

Use of environmental protection services by mining and quarrying, manufacturing and energy supply by target in 2015 (Corrected on 1 November 2017)

Use of environmental protection services by mining and quarrying, manufacturing and energy supply by target in 2015 (Corrected on 1 November 2017)

In 2014, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply, and water and waste management spent a total of around EUR 1 507 million on environmental protection and in 2015, about EUR 1 672 million. EUR 578 million was invested in environmental protection in 2014 and EUR 640 million in 2015. Examined by the category of environmental protection expenditure, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply, and water and waste management spent most money on waste and waste water management and protection of ambient air and climate. 

 Households’ environmental protection expenditure, EUR 845 million, was nearly entirely final consumption and consists of wastewater and waste charges.

Allocation of environmental protection expenditure by sector in 2014 to 2015 (Corrected on 1 November 2017)

Corrected on 1 November 2017. The corrections are indicated in red.
Sector 2014 2015
  Million EUR Million EUR
Central government  
Total 953 981
Final consumption 268 272
Intermediate consumption 281 287
Investments 25 17
Current and capital transfers, net (paid-received) 379 405
Industry (TOL 05-39)  
Total 2 085 2 312
Final consumption . . . .
Intermediate consumption 1 507 1 672
Investments 578 640
Current and capital transfers, net (paid-received) . . . .
Total 1 507 1 672
Final consumption 578 640
Intermediate consumption . . . .
Current and capital transfers, net (paid-received) .. ..

Among enterprises, most services on environmental protection were used by manufacturing. The use of services by manufacturing amounted to around EUR 248 million in 2014 and to EUR 253 million in 2015. In turn, water and waste management invested most in environmental protection. The combined investments of these industries were EUR 315 million in 2014 and EUR 349 million in 2015. The second and third most was invested by manufacturing and energy supply.

The metal and forest industries also bought significantly services for environmental protection in 2014 and 2015. The use of services by the metal industry amounted to EUR 95 million in 2014 and to EUR 103 million in 2015. Correspondingly, the forest industry used services to the tune of EUR 79 million in 2014 and EUR 77 million in 2015.

These data appear from Statistics Finland's new statistics Environmental protection expenditure accounts, for which results are now published for the first time. The environmental protection expenditure accounts are part of the second stage of the European Union’s Regulation concerning environmental accounts that became legally valid in June 2014 ((EU) No 538/2014). The Regulation obliges the Member States to compile statistics and report annually on environmental protection expenditure accounts; for the first time in autumn 2017 regarding the statistical reference years 2014 and 2015.

The goal of environmental accounts is to describe the interaction between the environment and the economy by mainly using the same basic concepts and classifications as national accounts (ESA 2010). 

Data on environmental protection expenditure have been previously published in the statistics on Public sector environmental protection expenditure and on Environmental protection expenditure in industry. The statistics on Public sector environmental protection expenditure were discontinued in 2014 and on Environmental protection expenditure in industry in 2016. Due to the methodological changes and new requirements of the Regulation, the new environmental protection expenditure accounts are not comparable with previously published data.

Source: Environmental protection expenditure accounts 2015, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Susanna Kärkkäinen 029 551 3662

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 26.10.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Environmental protection expenditure accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-6071. 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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