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Published: 31 October 2019

Environmental protection expenditure in manufacturing grew in 2017

Corrected on 15 January 2020. The corrections are indicated in red.

The combined environmental protection expenditure in Finland's public sector amounted to EUR 743 million in 2017. Environmental protection services and investments used by enterprises amounted to EUR 2,724 million. Households’ environmental protection expenditure totalled EUR 893 million. These data appear from Statistics Finland's statistics on environmental protection expenditure. The statistics belong to the EU’s Regulation on European environmental economic accounts and cover the public sector, households, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply, and water and waste management.

Use of and investments in environmental protection services by mining and quarrying, manufacturing and energy supply by target in 2015 to 2017 (The figure was corrected  on 15 January 2020.)

Use of and investments in environmental protection services by mining and quarrying, manufacturing and energy supply by target in 2015 to 2017 (The figure was corrected  on 15 January 2020.)

In 2017, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply, and water and waste management spent in total EUR 2 100 million on environmental protection and invested EUR 624 million. Examined by the category of environmental protection expenditure, the share of waste water and waste management expenditure in enterprises’ total use of environmental protection services has decreased in 2017. The division between the categories varies by year.

Households’ environmental protection expenditure amounted to EUR 893 million and it consists of wastewater and waste charges. 

Allocation of environmental protection expenditure by sector in 2015 to 2017 (Table was corrected on 15 January 2020.)

Sector 2015 2016 2017
Public Sector .. .. ..
Total 1 063 675 743
Consumption 393 333 376
Investments 17 16 21
Current and capital transfers, net (paid-received) 653 326 346
Industry (TOL 05-39) .. .. ..
Total 2 631 2 729 2 724
Consumption 1 994 2 023 2 100
Investments 637 706 624
Current and capital transfers, net (paid-received) .. .. ..
Households .. .. ..
Total 845 861 893
Consumption 845 861 893
Current and capital transfers, net (paid-received) .. .. ..

In enterprises, most environmental protection services were used in water and waste management, EUR 1 730 million. In addition, water and waste management invested most in environmental protection, EUR 285 million. The second most environmental protection services were used in manufacturing, EUR 240 million. Of manufacturing industries, the metal industries used most environmental protection services. Manufacturing invested EUR 201 million in environmental protection. Most investments were made in the forest industry and mining of metal ores. The forest industry made large environmental protection investments in 2017, which increased the total amount of environmental protection investments in manufacturing.

The data on environmental protection expenditure in manufacturing for 2017 was collected with a renewed data collection form. The data on how expenditure is divided into environmental protection expenditure categories are not comparable with previous years due to the renewed form. In addition, data for the public sector for 2014 to 2016 have become revised due to updated income transfers and the updated classification.

The concepts and definitions of the statistics are based on EU Regulation (No 691/2011 and 538/2014) on European environmental economic accounts and on Eurostat's manuals.

Source: Environmental protection expenditure accounts 2017, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Antti Hörkkö 029 551 3035

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 31.10.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Environmental protection expenditure accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-6071. 2017. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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