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Published: 22 September 2016

Enterprises' turnover fell in 2015

Enterprises’ (TOL B to S, excl. K) combined turnover was EUR 377.5 billion in 2015 according to Statistics Finland’s preliminary data. The weak development of manufacturing and trade pushed the turnover of the entire enterprise sector to a EUR 6.2 billion drop compared to the previous year. The turnover of manufacturing contracted by EUR 7.3 billion and that of trade by EUR 2.5 billion. The turnover of construction grew by EUR 1.2 billion. Service industries generated EUR 2.4 billion more turnover than one year previously.

Enterprises’ turnover by industry in 2014 to 2015*

 Enterprises’ turnover by industry in 2014 to 2015*

The turnover of manufacturing (TOL C) contracted further and was EUR 123.8 billion in 2015. One year previously, turnover amounted to EUR 130.3 billion so the drop was five per cent. Nearly one-half of the decrease in turnover derived from the fall in domestic industrial output. As a result of the large reorganisations in the electrical and electronics industry, the combined turnover of the enterprises in the industry declined by EUR 6.6 billion. In the chemical industry, turnover contracted by EUR 3.8 billion. In the metal industry, turnover grew by EUR 3.1 billion mainly due to reorganisations of enterprise activities.

The combined turnover of the enterprise sector was EUR 96.2 billion in 2015. The value added accrued to enterprises amounted to EUR 2.8 billion higher than in 2014. Clearly over one-half or EUR 1.8 billion of the growth in the value added came from the service sector. The value added of manufacturing grew by EUR 0.7 billion and that of construction by EUR 0.3 billion. In trade, the value added remained on level with the previous year.

Enterprises' value added by industry in 2015*

Enterprises' value added by industry in 2015*

Number of enterprises and personnel in 2015

According to preliminary data, the total number of enterprises grew compared to the previous year. The number of enterprises increased particularly in professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities and in health care (industries M, N and Q). The number of enterprises continued to contract slightly in the industries of manufacturing, construction, trade and logistics (C, F, G, H).

The number of personnel employed by enterprises declined less in 2015 than in 2014. According to preliminary data, the combined number of personnel in 2015 in other than primary production industries fell by around 6,000 staff-years compared with 2014. The number of personnel decreased most in manufacturing and trade, C and G. The number of personnel increased most in administrative and support service activities and in health care, N and Q.

Preliminary data on structural business and financial statement statistics cover the industries of mining and quarrying, construction, trade and services. The combined data of all enterprises are not published in the preliminary statistics, because the units of primary production are missing from the preliminary data. The data are based on the Tax Administration's business taxation data. The data have been supplemented with Statistics Finland's own inquiry.

Source: Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pirkko Nurmela 029 551 3519, Jaakko Salmela 029 551 3454,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

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Updated 22.9.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Structural business and financial statement statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-6233. 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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