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Published: 26 September 2019

Enterprises' turnover grew by 5.8 per cent in 2018

Enterprises’ (TOL B to S, excl. K) combined turnover without internal items was EUR 417.7 billion in 2018 according to Statistics Finland’s preliminary data. The turnover generated totalled EUR 23 million, which is 5.8 per cent more than one year ago. Of the turnover growth, EUR 10.8 billion came from manufacturing enterprises (TOL B to E), EUR 6.2 billion from service enterprises, EUR 4.5 billion from trade and EUR 1.9 billion from construction .

Enterprises' turnover in 2017 to 2018*

Enterprises' turnover in 2017 to 2018*

The operating result for the entire non-financial corporations sector amounted to EUR 26.3 billion. The EUR 21.7 billion growth in operating income melted away through operating expenses. There was only EUR 1.3 billion more operating result than in the year before. Enterprises’ profitability did not improve, the operating margin remained at the 2017 level and was 6.1 per cent of profits.

Enterprises’ value added was EUR 113.9 billion in 2018. In all, EUR 4.7 billion more in value added was accrued to enterprises than in 2017. Slightly over one-half of the value added growth came from service industries (TOL H to S, excl. K). Manufacturing industries (TOL B to E) generated EUR 1.7 billion of the growth in value added and trade generated EUR 0.6 billion. In construction, value added was slightly lower than in the year before.

Enterprises' value added in 2018*

Enterprises' value added in 2018*

Number of personnel increased by 43,000 staff-years in 2018

According to preliminary data, the total number of enterprises (excl. TOL A) was just under 285,000. There were 2,000 fewer enterprises than in the year before. The number of enterprises decreased in almost all main industries. By contrast, the number of enterprises in real estate activities (TOL L) and the information sector (TOL J) increased. Most enterprises disappeared in the trade industry, down by some 1,600 enterprises.

The number of personnel employed by enterprises was over 1.4 million converted into full-time employees (excl. industry A) in 2018. The figure includes both wage and salary earners and entrepreneurs. The biggest employer was the service industry (TOL H to S) with 708,000 staff-years. The total number of personnel in the non-financial corporations sector increased by 43,000 staff-years from the year before. With the exception of the energy sector (TOL D), the number of personnel increased in all main industries. The number of personnel increased most in the industries of administrative and support service activities, manufacturing, construction and human health activities (TOL N, C, F and Q). In administrative and support service activities, staff-years increased by 6,800 and in manufacturing by 6,600 years.

Data basis of the statistics

The preliminary data of the Structural business and financial statement statistics are based on data from enterprises defined by Statistics Finland. An enterprise is autonomous in its decision-making and produces goods and/or services to be sold on the markets. An enterprise is formed by one or several legal units (Business ID). The preliminary statistics cover data from industries B to S. The units of primary production are missing from the preliminary data, and thus the combined data of all enterprises are not published. The data are based on the Tax Administration's business taxation data. The data have been supplemented with Statistics Finland's own inquiry.

Database tables based on both enterprises and legal units (Business IDs) are published on the structural business and financial statement statistics.

Source: Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pirkko Nurmela 029 551 3519, Jyri Järvinen 029 551 3562,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

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Updated 26.9.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Structural business and financial statement statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-6233. 2018. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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