National Communications and Biennial Reports to the Climate Convention
Parties to the UNFCCC must submit periodic national reports on the steps they are taking to implement the Convention. National Communications that are submitted every 4 years contain the information elements as required by the Convention and include additional information related to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Finland's eight national communication was submitted to the secretariat of the UNFCC in December 2022.
Biennial Report contains information on the quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets and the progress in achieving the targets, mitigation measures and emission projections as well as on support given to the developing countries.
The reports are complied as a collaboration between ministries, Statistics Finland, research institutes and other expert organisations.
Finland's Eight National Communication
- Contents and foreword
- 1 Executive Summary
- 2 National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals
- 3 Greenhouse gas inventory information, including the national system and the national registry
- 4 Policies and measures
- 5 Projections and total effect of policies and measures
- 6 Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts an adaptation measures
- 7 Financial, technological, and capacity-building support
- 8 Research and systematic observation
- 9 Education, training and public awareness
- List of abbreviations
- Annexes and list of contributors
Finland's Biennial Reports
- The CTF tables of the BR5 can be found at the UNFCCC web site.
2016: Finland's Second Biennial Report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
2014: Finland's First Biennial Report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Finland's earlier National Communications to the UNFCCC
Last updated 25 Jan 2023