Requesting a death certificate from Statistics Finland's archives

Death certificates are stored in different locations depending on when the deceased died.

Read more about storage of death certificates

If you need the death certificate of a person who died after 1965, you can request it from our death certificate archives. Please note that the latest death certificates come to our archives at a delay of several months.

If your close relative died less than a year ago, you should primarily contact the health care establishment that issued the death certificate.

Instructions for handling matters

You can request the death certificate of a close relative deceased in 1966 or after that from us. Individual copies of death certificates are free of charge for close relatives.

If necessary, we provide a signed and stamped copy of the death certificate for handling matters abroad. You can find information about having the death certificate translated and the apostille certificate on this page under “Death certificate abroad”.

Request a death certificate

If the language of the form is incorrect, select EN from the links at the top to access the form in English.

Use the identifier at the end of the list to log in to the form. If you have used the service before, identification may be bypassed automatically.

After the identification, you will be directed straight to the correct form.

The information requested on the form:

  • last and first names of the deceased person
  • personal identity code (date of birth)
  • date of death
  • last municipality of residence
  • relation between the requester and the deceased
  • name, address and telephone number of the requester

Please note that you cannot log in to the form on behalf of another person.

If you are unable to use the form or you are acting on behalf of another person

If necessary, you can also submit the request to Statistics Finland by email or post.

  • email:
  • postal address:
    Statistics Finland
    Cause of death statistics
    FI-00022 Statistics Finland

If you wish, you can send the request via secured email at Please select as the recipient of the secured email.
Instructions for sending secured email

How can an insurance company or an authority request a death certificate?

If you request a death certificate in the name of an insurance company or an authority entitled to receive information, send the request by secure email to Use either your organisation's own secure email or Statistics Finland's secure email.

Death certificate abroad

In which languages can a death certificate be obtained?

A copy of the death certificate can be obtained only in the language in which the physician has written the original death certificate. The person concerned must see to the possible translation of the death certificate.

Can an apostille certificate be obtained for a copy of a death certificate?

Yes. The apostille certificate is requested from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. For this purpose, the death certificate must contain official entries with a signature and stamp.

Request a copy from the supplier of the death certificate, including handwritten signatures and an appropriate stamp. The signature must be original, handwritten and done with a pen.

Further information

More information about death certificates and attending to the deceased's affairs