Hundred-year-old Finland in the light of statistics
Independent Finland became 100 years old in 2017. When Finland gained independence in 1917, the Central Statistical Office of Finland, presently Statistics Finland, had already for good 50 years collected statistical data on Finland and Finns.
Over one hundred years, Finland’s population grew from good three million to five and a half million, the life expectancy lengthened, industries changed and the educational level rose.
Statistics describe the development of the Finnish state and of changes in the lives of Finns. Every citizen, every municipality, school, workplace and home are included in statistics. Annual changes become part of greater development through statistics – statistics are the image of Finnish society.

During the centenary, we presented the changes in society and daily life with the help of figures from the early years of independence and the present day. To the Century comparisons page.

In international comparisons, Finland is often among the top countries in the world. To honour the centenary we collected things we are especially good at. To the Finland among the best in the world page.

Statistics Finland organised competitions encouraging the use of statistics during the centenary. Read about the competition results.

We celebrated hundred-year-old Finland together. The Prime Minister's Office coordinated the celebrations and with the help of Statistics Finland explored Finns’ attitudes and expectations concerning the jubilee year. To the Celebration for the entire country page.