Price level for food and non-alcoholic beverages 13 per cent higher in Finland than EU average in 2021

Release related to topics:Prices and consumption
release | International price comparison 2021

EFTA members Switzerland, Norway and Iceland were the most expensive countries in the comparison. Luxembourg was the most expensive EU country and Romania the most affordable. The price level of Finland exceeded the EU average by 13 per cent. The information is based on the price comparison programme coordinated by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union. Prices in the comparison represent the average prices of 2021. Finnish price data were collected by Statistics Finland.

Key selections

  • In 2021, the price level of food and non-alcoholic drinks was 13% higher in Finland than EU average.
  • The price level of food and non-alcoholic beverages was similar in Finland and in Sweden. The Finnish index was slightly below the one in Sweden.
  • EFTA countries Switzerland, Norway and Iceland were the most expensive countries in the price level comparison of food and non-alcoholic drinks. The most affordable prices were also found outside the EU area, in Turkey and in the Balkan region.

Product group specific results for 2021 and all participating countries are available in database table 13a5 below. 

More information on the comparison and results can be found in the online publication of Eurostat.

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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): International price comparison [online publication].
Reference period: 2021. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Harri Kananoja
Senior Statistician
029 551 3567

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029 551 3490

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029 551 3582