Number of persons receiving Finnish citizenship fell in 2021

Release related to topics:Population and society
release | Citizenships granted 2021

According to Statistics Finland, Finnish citizenship was granted in 2021 to 6,643 foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland. Altogether, 1,173 fewer Finnish citizenships were granted than in 2020. In relative terms, the number fell by 15 per cent from the previous year.

Key selections

  • In 2021, Finnish citizenship was granted to 6,643 foreign citizens permanently living in Finland.
  • Compared to the previous year, 1,173 fewer Finnish citizenships were granted.
  • Finnish citizenships were granted most to Russian citizens.
  • Nearly 150,000 persons living in Finland have dual nationality.

Finnish citizenship was granted most to Russian citizens

In 2021, Finnish citizenship was granted most often to citizens of Russia, numbering 1,161 of those who were granted Finnish citizenship. This was 385 fewer than in the year before. Citizens of Iraq were the second largest group of recipients of Finnish citizenship, numbering 744. The third most Finnish citizenships were granted to Somali citizens, 436 and the fourth most to Estonian citizens, 370.

Average age of persons having received Finnish citizenship was 29

Of the persons having received Finnish citizenship, 3,458 were women and 3,185 men. The average age for women was 30.3 years and 28.5 years for men. Among the persons having been granted Finnish citizenship, 1,854 were aged under 18 and 207 were older than 65. Examined by five-year age groups, the number of persons having received citizenship was highest among those aged 30 to 34, in all 994 persons, representing 15 per cent of all those who received Finnish citizenship.

Nearly 150,000 persons living in Finland have dual citizenship

In 2021, altogether 97 per cent of those having been granted Finnish citizenship retained their former citizenship. At the end of 2021, there were 149,879 persons permanently resident in Finland who held the citizenship of some other country in addition to Finnish citizenship. The largest dual nationality groups at the end of 2021 were citizens of Russia, 35,919, Sweden, 9,603, Somalia, 7,872, Estonia, 7,237, and Iraq, 6,623.

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Previous nationality
  • Sex
  • Age
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  • Region
  • Sex
  • Age
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Classifications used:
  • Country of birth
  • Sex
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Classifications used:
  • Second nationality
  • Sex
  • Age
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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Citizenships granted [online publication].
Reference period: 2021. ISSN=1797-7169. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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