Educational qualifications highest among persons aged 45 to 49 in 2021

release | Educational structure of population 2021

According to Statistics Finland, 3,502,000 persons had completed a post-comprehensive level qualification in 2021. A total of 1,551,200 had completed a tertiary level qualification, which is one-third of the population aged 15 or over.

Key selections

  • Educational qualifications were highest among persons aged 45 to 49, that is, those born in 1972 to 1976, who have been the highest educated age group since 2007.
  • Forty-seven per cent of those aged 45 to 49 had completed a tertiary level qualification, 57 per cent of women and 38 per cent of men.
  • There were 54,000 persons aged 20 to 24 with only comprehensive level qualifications, which is 18 per cent of the age group. Fifteen per cent of women and 20 per cent of men had not completed a post-comprehensive level qualification or their qualifications were not known.
  • The population with the highest educational qualifications lived in Uusimaa and had completed education 4.3 years after comprehensive level education.

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Area
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Field of education
Reference period cycle:
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Classifications used:
  • Area
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Level of education
Reference period cycle:
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Classifications used:
  • Area
  • Age
  • Gender
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:

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Referencing instructions

Educational structure of population [online publication].
Reference period: 2021. ISSN=2242-2919. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Mika Witting
Senior Statistician
029 551 3032

Head of Department in charge

Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582