Nearly every second person aged 18 to 64 in adult education and training in 2022

Release related to topics:Education and research
release | Participation in adult education 31.12.2022


New database tables were added to the statistics on participation in adult education.
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According to Statistics Finland's, nearly every second person aged 18 to 64 participated in adult education and training in 2022. In absolute numbers, this corresponds to around 1.5 million persons. The participation rate has remained on the same level as five years earlier.

Key selections

  • In all, 1.5 million persons, nearly every second person aged 18 to 64, participated in adult education and training.
  • Women, persons with high level of education and persons aged 35 to 54 participated most in adult education and training.
  • The level of participation in adult education and training has remained unchanged from five years earlier.
  • Nearly one-half of the adults in the labour force studied for reasons related to work or occupation.
  • Personnel training was received by one million wage and salary earners, 54 per cent of all wage and salary earners.


New database tables were added to the statistics on participation in adult education.
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Database tables

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Referencing instructions

Participation in adult education [online publication].
Reference period: 31.12.2022. ISSN=2489-6926. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Helena Niemi
Senior Statistician
029 551 2488

Other experts

Timo Ruuskanen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3620

Head of Department in charge

Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582