Supply in the field of culture started to rise from the corona slump in 2021, but demand did not grow much

release | Culture satellite accounts 2021

According to Statistics Finland's data, the supply of culture grew at current prices faster than the supply of the whole economy in 2021. The consumption of culture remained almost on level with the first corona year and in relation to total consumption the share of culture went down further. The number of employed persons also fell further. The calculations of the culture satellite are compiled from the most detailed level data of the national accounts and are published in May. The calculations continue the earlier time series.

Key selections

  • The current priced value added of cultural industries grew clearly and its share of the value added of the whole economy returned to the level prior to the first corona year, that is, to 3.1 per cent
  • The share of culture among employed persons decreased further, being only 2.7 per cent in 2021.
  • Consumption expenditure used on culture grew clearly less than consumption expenditure in total in 2021, when the share of cultural consumption decreased further.


See key statistical data in the tables.

Share of value added of culture (%) – ESA 2010

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    Referencing instructions

    Culture satellite accounts [online publication].
    Reference period: 2021. ISSN=2323-9905. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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    Statistical experts

    Inquiries primarily

    Katri Soinne
    Planning Officer
    029 551 2778

    Head of Department in charge

    Katri Kaaja
    Head of Department in charge
    029 551 3488