Number of working days lost in labour disputes higher than usual in 2022

Release related to topics:Work, wages and livelihood
release | Statistics on labour disputes 2022

According to Statistics Finland, there were 64 labour disputes in Finland in 2022. The number of employees involved in labour disputes was around 177,600 and the number of working days lost was about 962,600. One year earlier, the number of employees involved in labour disputes was about 22,500 and the number of working days lost was around 34,100. The greater industrial actions in 2022 than usual were mainly caused by strikes in the local government and health care sectors.

Key selections

  • The number of labour disputes in 2022 was 64, of which actual labour disputes numbered 48 and strike threats 16. The number of labour disputes in the previous year was almost the same, 50, but there were only five strike threats.
  • The majority of labour disputes, 46, or 72 per cent, were strikes and strike threats.
  • The most common reason for labour disputes was a dispute related to collective bargaining, totalling 40, or 63 per cent of labour disputes. Eighty-six per cent of working days were lost in labour disputes related to collective bargaining.
  • The number of labour disputes was highest in manufacturing (C), but most working days were lost in human health and social work activities (Q).


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Labour disputes in 2000 to 2022

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  • Industry
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  • Industry
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  • Reasons for labour disputes
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  • Form of labour dispute
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    Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

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    Referencing instructions

    Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Statistics on labour disputes [online publication].
    Reference period: 2022. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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    Statistical experts

    Inquiries primarily

    Matti Lahdenmäki
    Senior Statistician
    029 551 3690

    Other experts

    Olli Ruuska
    Senior Statistician
    029 551 3274

    Head of Department in charge

    Hannele Orjala
    Head of Department in charge
    029 551 3582