Work, wages and livelihood
Key figures
Employment rate, persons aged 20 to 64, trend
January 2025
Labour force surveyUpdated: 25/02/2025
Unemployment rate, persons aged 15 to 74, trend
January 2025
Labour force surveyUpdated: 25/02/2025
Average monthly earnings of full-time wage and salary earners
4th quarter 2024, preliminary data
Index of wage and salary earningsUpdated: 24/01/2025
Year-on-year change of labour costs in the private sector
4th quarter 2024
Labour cost indexUpdated: 07/03/2025
Statistics under the topic
- Agricultural and horticultural labour force
- Central government monthly salaries
- Child benefit
- Child day care subsidies
- Child maintenance allowance
- Conscript's allowance
- Consumer confidence
- Disability benefits and services provided by Kela
- Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland
- Employment
- Employment service statistics
- Financial aid for students
- Forestry as an investment
- General housing allowance
- Health and social services personnel
- Health care professionals
- Households' assets
- Households' consumption
- Housing allowance for pensioners
- Income distribution statistics
- Indebtedness
- Index of wage and salary earnings
- International mobility of health care and social welfare personnel
- Job vacancy survey
- Labour cost index
- Labour cost survey
- Labour force survey
- Local government health and social services personnel
- Local government sector wages and salaries
- Maternity grant
- Occupational accident statistics
- Occupational health care
- Parenthood allowances
- Pensions provided by Kela
- Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland
- Private sector hourly wages
- Private sector monthly salaries
- Processing times of social assistance
- Purchase price statistics of real estates
- Quality of work life
- Reimbursements for medical expenses
- School transport subsidies
- Sickness allowance
- Social assistance
- Statistics on basic social assistance
- Statistics on labour disputes
- Statistics on living conditions
- Structure of earnings
- Stumpage earnings
- Transition from school to further education and work
- Unemployment benefits provided by Kela
- Unemployment protection in Finland
- Wage and salary indices