Turnover of Swedish-owned companies in Finland EUR 27 billion in 2021

Release related to topics:Enterprises
release | Foreign affiliates in Finland 2021


The group of statistical units in foreign affiliates in Finland statistics will be expanded starting from the statistical reference year 2021. Limitations concerning the operating time and size of enterprises have been removed from the definition of statistical units.
Read more about the change

According to Statistics Finland's data, foreign enterprises located in Finland generated a turnover of EUR 113 billion in 2021. Most turnover was generated by enterprises from Sweden, the United States, Germany, Denmark and Norway. Manufacturing was the most significant industry measured both by the number of personnel and turnover. There were 4,751 foreign enterprises in Finland.

Key selections

  • The turnover of foreign enterprises in Finland was nearly EUR 113 billion in 2021.
  • The turnover of foreign enterprises accounted for 23 per cent of the turnover of all enterprises in Finland.

Statistics are renewed

The group of statistical units in the business structures statistics is extended starting from the statistical reference year 2021. This also has some effect on the statistics on foreign affiliates in Finland. Limitations concerning the operating time and size of enterprises have been removed from the definition of statistical units. As a result of the renewal, the number of enterprises used in the compilation of the statistics on foreign enterprises in Finland extends only a little compared to the number of all enterprises located in Finland. The number of foreign enterprises in Finland grows to 4,751, or by 5.7 per cent compared to the previous group of statistical units. The new statistical units do not have much effect on other variables. Turnover grows by 0.07 per cent and the number of personnel by 0.04 per cent.


The group of statistical units in foreign affiliates in Finland statistics will be expanded starting from the statistical reference year 2021. Limitations concerning the operating time and size of enterprises have been removed from the definition of statistical units.
Read more about the change


See key statistical data in the tables.

Foreign affiliates in Finland by industry 2021

Foreign affiliates in Finland, most significant coutries measured by turnover 2021

Database tables

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New database tables
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  • Country
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  • Industry
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    Removed database tables

    Future releases


    Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

    Go to documentation of the statistics

    Referencing instructions

    Foreign affiliates in Finland [online publication].
    Reference period: 2021. ISSN=2242-2552. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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    Inquiries primarily

    Service e-mail
    Anna-Maija Laakko
    Senior Statistician
    029 551 3640

    Head of Department in charge

    Katri Kaaja
    Head of Department in charge
    029 551 3488