Birth rate lowest among women of Finnish background in 2022
Release related to topics:Population and society
release | Births 2022According to Statistics Finland, the total fertility rate of women with Finnish background was 1.29 and that of women of foreign background 1.51 in 2022. The birth rate went down from the previous year in all origin groups. During the pandemic, the birth rate rose slightly but only for women of Finnish background.
Key selections
- Women's total fertility rate was 1.32 in 2022.
- The total fertility rate of women of Finnish background was 1.29 and that of women of foreign background 1.51.
- The total fertility rate of women born in Finland with tertiary level degrees was 1.45.
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- Sex
- Age of mother
- Background country of mother
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Births [online publication].
Reference period: 2022. ISSN=1798-2413. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 10.3.2025].
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