Around one-half of the labour force and enterprises' establishments in the field of culture in Uusimaa in 2022

Release related to topics:Culture, media and time use
release | Culture 2022


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According to Statistics Finland, the employed labour force in culture centred strongly in Uusimaa, where nearly 46,000 persons or over one-half of persons employed in the field of culture were working. Education leading to a qualification in the field of culture was available in all regions, in a total of 106 educational institutions.

Key selections

  • The number of cultural buildings was biggest in Uusimaa (319) and Southwest Finland (254). There were 2,199 cultural buildings classified by main purpose of use in Mainland Finland, which was 66 more than in the previous year.
  • In total, there were approximately 38,000 establishments of cultural enterprises. Nearly one-half of the establishments were located in Uusimaa.
  • Municipalities' cultural activities spent the largest amounts of money per capita in Päijät-Häme (EUR 198, on average), Kainuu (EUR 189) and Ostrobothnia (EUR 186).
  • Cultural activities spent, on average, EUR 160 per capita in Mainland Finland, which was EUR eight more than in the year before.
  • In addition to Statistics Finland's sources, other data producers' data on cultural sites and services by region were included in the release and database table.

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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Culture [online publication].
Reference period: 2022. ISSN=2341-7404. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 10.3.2025].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Kaisa Saarenmaa
Senior Statistician
029 551 3517

Head of Department in charge

Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582