Volume of gross domestic product grew by 1.3 per cent in 2022

Release related to topics:National economy
release | Annual national accounts 2022

According to Statistics Finland’s data, the volume of Finland’s GDP grew by 1.3 per cent in 2022. The growth was revised downwards from the preliminary data in December (was 1.6%). The data for 2022 were now published with detailed industry classification accuracy, as revised annual data from enterprises were obtained as sources.

Key selections

  • The growth in the volume of GDP became revised to 1.3 per cent (in December 1.6%).
  • The year 2022 was deviating in terms of price rises of output and intermediate consumption. An equally high rise in the prices of output and intermediate consumption was last seen at the beginning of the 1980s.
  • Value added at current prices in manufacturing and energy supply grew rapidly. As prices rose faster than value change, the volume of value added in manufacturing fell, however.


The current priced value of the output of the whole economy was 12 per cent and intermediate consumption grew by 17 per cent in 2022. The current priced value added calculated as the difference between output and intermediate consumption increased by seven per cent in 2022.

The volumes of both output and intermediate consumption grew by 1.9 per cent. The volume of value added also increased by 1.9 per cent. The volume of GDP grew by 1.3 per cent. Besides value added, GDP is also influenced by taxes on production and subsidies on production.

The year 2022 was deviating in terms of price rises. An equally high rise in the prices of output and intermediate consumption was last seen at the beginning of the 1980s. The prices of output rose by 10 per cent and those of intermediate consumption by 15 per cent.

Value added by industry

Output at current prices in manufacturing and energy supply grew as prices rose rapidly. However, the volume of value added in manufacturing went down.

In 2022 growth was recorded in accommodation and food service activities and in arts, entertainment and recreation activities recovering from the slump caused by the coronavirus. In addition to value added at current prices, the volume of value added in these industries also grew clearly from the previous year.

Revision of data

Revisions to preliminary data were seen in industry-specific data in the industries of manufacturing, information and communication, and construction.

In the February round, the industry-specific volume data on general government output have also become revised. As a result, the volume of the output of municipal healthcare services was revised downwards.


See key statistical data in the tables.

Information, B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices in 1975 to 2022* by Information

GDP per capita 1975-2022*

Data revisions

See key statistical data in the tables.

Revision of annual volume change, %

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
  • Sector
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Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Sector
  • Transaction
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
  • Industry
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
  • Sector
  • Industry
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
  • Sector
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
  • Sector
  • Industry
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
  • Sector
  • Consumption class
  • Durability class
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year
Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Sector
  • Transaction
  • Instrument
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
five times a year

Future releases


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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Annual national accounts [online publication].
Reference period: 2022. ISSN=1798-0623. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Tapio Kuusisto
Senior Statistician
029 551 3318

Other experts

Natael Kivari
Senior Statistician
029 551 3361

Head of Department in charge

Katri Kaaja
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3488