Finnish residents’ greenhouse gas emissions and emissions of impurities decreased in 2022

Release related to topics:Environment and natureEnterprises
release | Air emission accounts 2022

According to Statistics Finland, greenhouse gas emissions produced by Finnish residents decreased slightly in 2022. In impurities, emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides remained almost on level with the previous year, other emissions decreased by five to nine per cent. Greenhouse gas emissions produced by Finnish residents in Finland and abroad amounted to 48.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂ eq.), 1.5 per cent less than in the previous year.

Key selections

  • In 2022, greenhouse gas emissions decreased most in households and energy supply, where emissions went down in total by 1.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂ eq.).
  • The biggest growth in greenhouse gas emissions was generated in air transport, where emissions increased by 1.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂ eq.).
  • The biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Finland in 2022 were energy supply, manufacturing, and transportation and storage.
  • Carbon monoxide emissions fell most in emissions of impurities, the amount of which went down by 21,000 tonnes from the previous year.

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Classifications used:
  • Industries (TOL2008) and households
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Referencing instructions

Air emission accounts [online publication].
Reference period: 2022. ISSN=2954-0798. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Niko Olsson
Senior Statistician
029 551 3856

Head of Department in charge

Katri Kaaja
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3488