Number of debt restructuring cases concluded in 2023 increased by 18.7 per cent from the previous year

Release related to topics:Population and society
release | Restructuring of debts 2023

According to Statistics Finland, district courts concluded 5,456 debt restructuring cases in 2023, which is 18.7 per cent more than one year before. Of the concluded cases, 4,866 were debt restructuring petitions.

Key selections

  • The payment schedule was confirmed in 4,353 applications for restructuring of debts in 2023.
  • In the confirmed payment schedules, the total amount of debts was EUR 368 million.
  • The median debt of the payment schedules confirmed in 2023 was EUR 55,000.
  • In the statistics on restructuring of debts, concluded debt restructuring cases refer to cases that have been processed by district court and decided by district court.

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Classifications used:
  • District court
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Classifications used:
  • District court
  • Nature of case
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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Restructuring of debts [online publication].
Reference period: 2023. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Senior Statistician
029 551 2696

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029 551 3582