Domestic electricity production covered 98 per cent of Finland's electricity demand in 2023

release | Energy supply and consumption 2023


Energy supply and consumption: New database table published.
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According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, total electricity consumption amounted to 79.8 TWh in 2023. Net imports of electricity to Finland went down by 86 per cent. Only two per cent of electricity consumption was covered by net imports of electricity. Domestic electricity production covered as much as nearly 98 per cent of Finland's electricity need. The share of domestic electricity production has last been of this magnitude at the end of the 1970s.

Key selections

  • Finland's total electricity consumption decreased by two per cent in 2023 and amounted to 79.8 TWh.
  • Domestic electricity production increased by 13 per cent. Net imports of electricity continued declining from the year before (down by a whopping 86 %). No electricity was imported from Russia in 2023.
  • Olkiluoto 3 was operational for the first full year. As a result, the share of nuclear power in Finland's total electricity consumption rose to a record high 41 per cent, production being 32.7 TWh.
  • Electricity demand was largely covered by hydro power, wind power and nuclear power (combined share 78 per cent of total consumption). Electricity produced by incineration decreased by 23 per cent from the previous year.
  • Fossil-free electricity production covered 92 per cent of electricity consumption in 2023.


Energy supply and consumption: New database table published.
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Supplies and total consumption of electricity, 2023*

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  • Energy source for electricity
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  • Electricity production/supply
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    Referencing instructions

    Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy supply and consumption [online publication].
    Reference period: 2023. ISSN=1799-7976. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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